One Yukkuri Place

Privileged member request!

Posted under General

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Sukuna said:
I wish to be a member. Please~ Thank Yuu~

I noticed you want to help translate in the SY thread. I hope you get privileged status so you can do Aya, Reisen and Yuuka's dialogue.

Just wondering, what's the difference between "privileged" and "contributor" status?

boom said:
Just wondering, what's the difference between "privileged" and "contributor" status?

Contributors are on a higher level than privilaged users. Basic users can become privilaged by simply requesting for a privilaged account. In order to become a contributor, you have to be invited by an admin. Not to mention anything you post will no longer be subject to moderation if you're a contributor.

Privileged lets you comment change tags, etc. Contributor I believe can edit/rearrange pools as well, but I don't remember the finer points without looking up the code.

I'm not a contributor and I can edit pools.

I think on Danbooru the difference was that Contributors bypassed the moderation queue, but my handful of posts here have done that too so I dunno.

How long does it take for one to become privileged? What does it mean to "throw yukkuris into the bin"?

Sukuna said:
How long does it take for one to become privileged? What does it mean to "throw yukkuris into the bin"?

I'm guessing either garbage chute or product chute, if you mean SY. IDK about status granting timeframe.

Sukuna said:
How long does it take for one to become privileged? What does it mean to "throw yukkuris into the bin"?

It depends on how active one is. However, if a newcomer requests on a first day, he/she should wait for approximately 7 days. Mods, am I right?

Anyway, congratulations on being privileged, Sukuna! Take it easy!

Long time lurker coming out of my hole. I once made an account and then forgot about it. Five years later I see the yuukuri booru is slowing down and I want to help.

Would like to request privileged member status if possible. There are quite a few comics I would like to upload that are past the 10 image limit. For now I try to post short comics under the 10 limit but there are a few really good ones I really want to upload.

would I be able to have a janitor trial? noticed a bit of spam lately and I'm often lurking most days.

saline said:

would I be able to have a janitor trial? noticed a bit of spam lately and I'm often lurking most days.

Usually, spam gets taken down within a day or two after it has been reported. With that being said, it does help to have another member clean up the forums.

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