One Yukkuri Place

Maricha Game

Posted under General

Still pretty unfinished though, seems like. Most of her animations still have the hat on, and sometimes she doesn't notice you've taken the hat away.

Also, you can now shave her hair off, too.

anyone coming across errors when playing 1.49b?
im not sure what triggers it, but after a while an error will just pop up and auto close the game

1.66 there are lots of special effects marisa can sparkle when happy and more emotion on the fonts.

Haven't checked on it for a long time and it's still buggy as hell but the slide and trampoline are finally working, and Maricha trying to climb on the slide from the wrong end and getting frustrated is adorable.


Yuno said:

Haven't checked on it for a long time and it's still buggy as hell but the slide and trampoline asre finally working, and Maricha trying to climb on the slide from the wrong end and getting frustrated is adorable.

yes it !!! How does get Marisa to take leaves into her house ?

captperv said:

yes it !!! How does get Marisa to take leaves into her house ?

So where are ppl getting the game these days.

NVM found it...was just updated today it seems.

I'm curious about what different systems are involved. It seems as though things like pride, happiness, and affection all play roles in how responsive Marisa is in responding to scolding and doing what she's told. Maybe it's just me, but it seems as though she's more likely to learn if she likes you, whereas if she just fears and hates you, she never seems to get a clue.

Also, I've managed to teach two different Marisas (in different save files) to learn to use the toilet, and both times they seem to have developed an aversion to pooping at all. Rather than the usual happy expression, they look very distressed during and immediately after pooping. They do know to go to the toilet though, so I'm not sure why they're so upset, unless the negative reinforcement used in training left a lingering effect on them. Once again, I'm quite interested in how they 'think' in the game.

captperv said:

if you don't give them enough water they will have a hard time pooping

I have the water bottle in there, and the Marisa seems to drink whenever she's thirsty. It's not that she's constipated, she just looks really, really unhappy when she has to poop.

EDIT: Tried a more gentle teaching method with another Marisa. Still rubbed her face in any poop she made outside the toilet, in addition to using the ruler, as well as making her drag her poop to the toilet, but kept the punishments a bit mild. Then, during one of the times she was dragging her poop to the toilet, as soon as she'd finished dragging it there and was making a sad face, I used the poo-poo dance prompt. After she pooped in the toilet that time, she apparently learned to use the toilet, but unlike the other two I mentioned who learned solely by being punished for pooping outside the toilet, this one doesn't make unhappy faces when she poops.


Tweak said:

I have the water bottle in there, and the Marisa seems to drink whenever she's thirsty. It's not that she's constipated, she just looks really, really unhappy when she has to poop.

EDIT: Tried a more gentle teaching method with another Marisa. Still rubbed her face in any poop she made outside the toilet, in addition to using the ruler, as well as making her drag her poop to the toilet, but kept the punishments a bit mild. Then, during one of the times she was dragging her poop to the toilet, as soon as she'd finished dragging it there and was making a sad face, I used the poo-poo dance prompt. After she pooped in the toilet that time, she apparently learned to use the toilet, but unlike the other two I mentioned who learned solely by being punished for pooping outside the toilet, this one doesn't make unhappy faces when she poops.

Need a key of which buttons do what

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