One Yukkuri Place



Mokomoko said:
I-I'm sorry, I just had to do this...

Also here you can observe mokomoko shamelessly trying to imitate Fly's style (and failing horribly). Fly, I hope you don't mind! Sorry!

There is no reason to apologize for awesomeness. In fact, you deserve a medal just for this bit of hilarity.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Yeah so many, that we could start acting like they were War Memories and act like a bunch of old war veteran geezers recalling those wacky times in the Yurmandy and in the Yugon Assault.

    (puts on veteran's cap)
    You Westerners always talk about how Yurope was the center of the war, when the Yucific theater was where the real fightin' at. I should know, I survived the Bataan Easy March, fer kanakossakes!

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  • Explosion said:
    Yeah, I'm starting to get that vibe, too. I mean, its honestly getting hard for me to believe anyone could be this awkwardly immature and socially retarded.

    We've had those before though, so it's not also an isolated incident.

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  • CaptainDJSpankawitz said:
    even if the anon is unable to understand them AND still feels he's doing the right thing "helping" them how can he not see them in pain? I love the story but anon is just dense as hell.

    You've spelled out exactly what I've been feeling about this story.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    ...yet the legged Konata-Gundam still owned her later...

    You know very well this to be true (and Kagami as a red Zaku/Dom/Gelgoog/whatever Char's piloting).

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  • I'm actually glad Mister is a benevolent owner. R1 may have scum tendencies, but hey no yukkuri is perfect (yes, yuka-chen fans, suck it up). And considering this marisa turns out to lack backbone (har har), R1 will have to be the husband in this coupling.

    danogoat said:
    chen needs a partner to tease! chen knows!

    Voting for this.

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  • I'd love to see more Sales Guy-aki works translated.

    (Though I can understand why it's so hard for the translators... Sales Guy's yukkuri gives me the urge to punch the monitor out of reflex).

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