One Yukkuri Place



Trololo said:
Ahh, that makes a lot more sense.
Still, piss poor business sense to make a product that breaks so quickly if you're going to cover replacements.

Explosion said:
When I looked back at the other pages, they charged the girl again (300 yen) for the replacement reimu. So I'm guessing it wasn't a free replacement.

Captalism, ho!

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  • The 'sacks are marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah;
    The 'sacks are marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah;
    The 'sacks go marching one by one--
    One of them stops to kick Reimu;
    And they all go marching down;
    To their rooms;
    To log in the internet;

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  • ukshadow said:
    Reminds me of this really bizarre scene from Gunnm/Battle Angel Alita manga, where a bunch of humans are being kept inside containers/life support devices in an assorted arrangement of dismemberment, all of them screaming or trying to escape.

    Ah yes, that one. Good times, good times.

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  • Tea said:
    (which was more of what I was getting at).

    And what I'm bringing up is the fact that not everyone subscribes to your interests--you know, the same principle that you keep hammering out every time conflicts like this come up.

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  • Trololo said:
    Well, if you had the Dosu spark you would have the advantage of a decent attack at a size that's actually capable of breaking into and living in a house fairly easily.

    Or you could dominate yukkuri in non-dosu filled areas and run your own herd.

    A House-Dosu Spark would have the same output as a flashlight. Yeah, that would be useful.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    I get the feeling that yukkuris starting to come with manuals since the raise of the "ayazou anons". . .

    I think it's always been there, but it depends on the yukkuri. In this case. the more detailed the manual is in proportion to the rarity of the yukkuri type. So the commons (reimu, marisa) get nothing more than a brief oral reminder from the pet store ("You know what to do?" "Yes." "Okay, then! Enjoy your new pet!"), while rarer types (like this satori) gets a phonebook-sized manual (even comes with diagrams!).

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  • Explosion said:


    Its always easy identifying cat lovers as they're so insecure about their choice of pet that they have to constantly attack any dogs unprovoked to compensate for and draw attention away from their terrible taste in animals.


    Lame copypasta is lame.

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  • FunkSoulBrother said:
    Yes and that's precisely what he wanted to hear.
    He wants a yukkuri that puts the good of others before personal benefits.

    The thing is, this reimu rejected anon, and despite putting the "good of others" first and foremost her reasons are still selfish.

    We'll just have to see where captaindjspankawitz is going with this, but I think this isn't the end yet.

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  • Tea said:
    >he reads yukkuri for the plot

    Surprise, surprise. Not everyone is an abyuse fan.

    You of all authorities on this matter should know this by now.

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