One Yukkuri Place



Trololo said:
Though I could be wrong of course.

Only that from what I can tell in the anko the previous inhabitant is still alive, in a way: The "special moss", which what the anko is about, not only provides the munch-munch for the yukkuri, but it reaches a certain point the moss will start growing on the current inhabitant, converting it into "soil" and preparing the yukkuri terrarium for the next yukkuri.

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  • miiiii said:
    I already resize the pics.

    Ill make tags later.

    For now, here's some suggested tags you can use as a guide.

    Welcome to OYP. Looking forward to more of your work.

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  • Explosion said:
    Oh, you mean that she's a "Serious lesbian"?

    You know, as opposed to one of those casual lesbians that are always dicking around.

    Don't forget the lolicon tag.

    A lolicon lesbian.

    And from what we've seen so far, a hot lesbian lolicon.

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  • I'm liking this so far. Hope this turns into an ecchi comedy series without going down the hardcore sex route.

    ...Oh, who am I kidding, this is sanaeaki. (It doesn't help that fem_anon's... interesting *ahem* ifyouknowwhatImean).

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    I don't know what to think, basically the idea is that bodied yukkuris can be used as placebos for pedo tendencies. . .

    What else do you think bodied yukkuri were created for?

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  • ParticleMan said:
    The anon younger sister seems nice... but probably doesn't even consider Reimu a pet, only a toy. This isn't going to end well.

    Too early to judge just yet. The older sister looks at the yukkuri as nothing more than accessories (note the strap/keychain attachment), but the younger sister might treat little reimyu differently.

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