One Yukkuri Place



harouki said: mean stuff a yukkuri, probably the size of a ping pong ball, down a bottle? Yeah...that'd work wonders.

Nah, no one could be that stupid--

Oh, wait.

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  • Because someone has to do it, here you go, nice and pooled: pool #640.

    I'm liking the direction this story is taking. Also, I'm finding it amusing that you're introducing a certain yukkuri (assuming I get it, with "it" being "the hint in the previous page") that everyone's impatiently expecting kiriraitaa to do but hasn't done so yet.

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  • I think it's more like their personalities were switched, not memories. Alice still refers to things as "city sect" or not, so alice is still alice with patchouli's mannerisms and psychological frailties, not the patchouli mind in the alice's body.

    Body switching yukkuri stories have been done before, but behavior transference is something new, and is actually more interesting, as these stories would deal more on how the modified yukkuri deals with the new changes. In this case, raper patchouli didn't survive the excitement of the experience. (Probably the equivalent of overdosing a monk on viagra or something to that effect...)

    And cheer up, science nitori. Think of it not as a failed experiment, but another step in the grand experiment you're still working on.

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  • Have you ever considered writing a story? You really know how to put a scene together, and I would definitely look forward to reading anything you wrote!

    Have you ever considered curbing your enthusiasm? You're even resorting to necromancy to get your point across, when we've already heard it the first time.

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  • I recall reading stories from way back where Yamane yukkuri were basically spiders, so it's not really a new idea.

    Whether other yukkuri see yamane types as actual spiders, or this particular yamane physically transforms into one was probably left ambiguous by the artist.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Explain because i actually was literal no joke on that one D:

    In b4 JIE reached the point of making lame puns subconsciously or without that being his intention.

    Oh wow, really?

    Because I read Stadistic as statistic + sadistic. Therefore, Yukkuri Sadistic Statistics.

    Truly the subconscious is fearsome.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Requesting a TL Summary of this anko.

    I really wonder why the 3 yukkuris have a not amused look outside of potential shitheads bothering them.

    Not pictured: Anon asking them if they can take it easy. Those three are genre-savvy enough to know that any scenario involving a mister human asking that question will never end well for yukkuri.

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