One Yukkuri Place



Trololo said:
I am finding it hard to quit speculating in spite of the fact that ayazou continues to defy our expectations.

True enough.

Who knows? Seeing the two get along earlier, daumbanon might be bringing yet another yukkuri for reimu and alice to play with.

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  • Trololo said:
    He'll probably think "Herp a derp they're such good friends that Reimu gave alice the hat" and the facade will continue.

    Except he's just in time to see the accessory less alice burying the dead koyukkuri, and he'll put two and two together. It's the opposite of what I thought will happen several strips ago (which was close to what you said). Cue "Extermination of Scum Yukkuri".

    Fucking bawiza.

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  • harouki said:
    If by odd you mean, just plain crazy, then I totally agree with you.

    I wanna say psychotic but hey, she's a psychiatrist after all...

    You know what they always say:

    Leave it to the experts.

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  • (After reading the anko) the cycle of revenge comes full circle. Pity remilia for thinking she can be more than a hated and feared predator yukkuri, and too bad for marisa and the rest of the yukkuri for defying their place in the natural world.

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  • SIX said:
    They seem to be just as uncommon as Sanae types, at least. And if Sanae types are considered rares, then so would Meilings.

    Their rarity is more likely because their numbers are regularly killed off more frequently care of the "common" types.

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  • kurutto-kun said:
    Maybe she remembers and is willing to forgive Alice but Alice thinks that Reimu would hate her forever. That may be why she is faking her own death.

    Plot development straight out of a soap opera.

    Alice will sink into even more deeper despair once she finds out just how traumatized the reimu was with the former owner of that hat. Fucking bawiza.

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  • Explosion said:
    This is starting to get really weird. Like spanish soap opera weird.

    Or Korean dramas.

    ParticleMan said:
    This Marisa's hat brings great misfortune to anyone wearing it. I wonder what's going to happen to Alice?


    braggablepenipeni said:

    But it may fool reimu but when the anon comes back he's going to wonder what happened and why alice is wearing marisa's hat that he gave to reimu and maybe he'll remove it and reimu will recognize alice agian

    Alice is so dead. Fucking bawiza.

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  • Tea said:
    Equality easy! A reminder in case this tickles anybody really really badly: everyone has their favourites, but please remember the rules.

    You just have to bring it up, now the citizens of the Yugyaku Empire are gonna crawl out of the woodwork. GJ.

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  • No comments on the symbolism of the "cracked mirror" appearance in the lower right?

    Would alice types die from despair? All yukkuri are susceptible to that, but I've always thought alice yukkuri are more resilient to mental trauma than most (for obvious reasons).

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  • mutantpenguin said:
    To my knowledge, there's only... two or three mods on the entire site and pool management can be done by anyone.

    Not quite. There's some bugs (intentional feature?) in the site that hampers users. For one thing, regular users can't delete pictures added to a pool.

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  • bluhbluhbluh said:
    true. But looking back, I don't think Clever Marisia was all that broken up over her Dad's death.

    I mean, her mom looked way more heartbroken and terrified over her death than the clever Marisia did. I dunno if this is because clever Marisia is a sociopath or not, but if these are the kind of people she has to deal with (IE: A boss Marisia who doesn't advocate killing kids UNLESS IT JUST HAPPENS TO FURTHER HER OWN LINE OF WORK AND OUTRIGHT LIES ABOUT IT TO SAVE HER OWN DOUGH) then I don't really feel sympathy for the people she might turn around and betray.

    You have some good points there, though Clever Marisa wasn't shown to be aware or mindful of clan politics (I'd wager she's have Boss' little one to contend with for one).

    We'll just have to see where noraaki is going with this. One thing that's almost definite is that who's currently wearing this father marisa's hat is doomed.

    bluhbluhbluh said:
    This'll either end with the two of them teaming up... OR in a twist of irony. The Clever Marisia will stop the murderer, get it killed, then it'll grow up and have a retarded kid with a Remiu and START THE CYCLE ALL OVER AGAIN.

    That's a little too deep for a fic featuring animated pastries. Would shoot it up to instant classic if executed well.

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