One Yukkuri Place



Trololo said:
That's kinda the joke guys.
The mystery of how the fuck they managed to kill themselves wagging their tails and flapping their ears is supposed to be funny.

The thing is, jokes are supposed to be funny.

This is a tragedy.

Then again, some find tragic things funny, so yeah.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    I think Koakuma was trying to insult the anon since he/she didn't like the outcome of this strip, forgetting than insulting anons and such is against the rules.

    I dunno, I get the impression that someone's projecting their bitterness and self-loathing at their real life situation to the comics. Everyone looks like a douchebag to those wallowing in despair and anger.

    ...If you think about it, a lot of anon abusers seem to be of that mindset. This makes those always-happy yukkuri such attractive targets.

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  • starshine said:
    No, he'd just tack on a few more "unfathomable," "indescribable" and "horror" with vague descriptive nouns. Business as usual.

    Howard? Nah, he'd whine to his best friend about how his "fans" misrepresented him again, crying about how his stories aren't horror-adventure stories with monsters everywhere lurking in the shadows, but about the futility of human existence and the pointlessness of life. His friend, August Dereleth, would just smile and nod while surreptitiously taking notes on how much hit points this latest abomination has, how much experience points you get for slaying it, and what rare drops you get.

    By the end of the day, H.P. would feel a little better after the little cry and go back to writing more racists platitudes, while Augie copyrights this latest blasphemy of all that lives, appending that Miskatonic U. will already have full documentation of this freak, complete with detailed instructions on the subdual, neutralization, and best methods of abusing the subject.

    So yeah, business as usual.

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  • Skribulous said:
    From the translations in the previous parts, this must be that bawiza mommie's imagination. Like deibu, like kodeibu.

    ...or not.

    Another koyukkuri? And a komarisa at that? Intriguing.

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