One Yukkuri Place



ArcanaIX said:
Maybe those Reimus the same ones from post #35513?
If so, that means...
1. Reimu kills its partner Marisa, along with two little koMarisa
2. Reimu feeds the 3 dead Marisas to the 2 koReimus
3. Reimu eats the 2 koReimus

Sounds about right.

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    Dave37 said:
    my guess is that the mister buys the yukkuri that bullied Reimu and continutes killing them by acciedental

    That would be hilariously epic. Ayazou could make a series just with that premise, and I'll follow it for years.

    ParticleMan said:
    subnormal=slow/stupid, maybe Reimu is just a little less bright than the other yukkuris, or a nicehead among shitheads?

    Clearly the latter. As a lot of works have shown us, being a "good" yukkuri (by human standards) tends to reduce a yukkuri's life expectancy among yukkuri drastically.

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  • Trololo said in the previous post:
    I am assuming that like some of Ayazou's other works his Yukkuri do not speak intelligible English.
    That would make anon only slightly stupid instead of completely retarded.

    Anyone would be more than slightly stupid not to tell from the expressions and body ("but yukkuri only have heads!" har, har) language that their pets are in distress. Or probably blind.

    We could see how this will end, but maybe ayazou will surprise us for once.

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  • Fragtagonal said:
    Street Preforming Marisa's story never actually goes anywhere though. It just is about a street performer. This one is about a family, and there is character development and intrigue. Then, the pages stopped coming.

    Did you actually read the series?

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  • Unyu said:
    Indeed, that bastard removed the very important mister_vibrator tags from that series by Remiryaaki. Burn in hell you asshole.

    This comment is so hilarious in hindsight.

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  • Random2 said:
    So...any updates? I think I finally sorted through everything, but it looks like there should be more...

    Nope(.avi). Welcome to OYP's frustration with artists that leave series unfinished. As a bonus, check out Street Performing Marisa pool #223, and prepare to be enraged.

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  • thunderclapgale said:
    The same thing happen to my mom, except it's a mouse and she ended up dancing

    I did that with a cockroach just the other day. Sad to say the roach didn't survive the experience.

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  • moi86 said:
    For those who dont know and care, this morpg is called "Dungeons & Dragons Online", and in case is not obvious enough, there are no yukkuri's there

    Drat. Had my hopes up there for a second.

    Explosion said:
    Yeah, but kobolds and goblins are an actual threat to commoners and children. Yukkuri are more like livestock or critters that are there for ambiance and at best only give 1 exp.

    So... like rabbits in Australia?

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  • KodokuEasy said:

    The expressions are neat though - blissful optimism in the koyukkuri, energetic arrogance in the young adult, and some humility in the adult.

    Seconding this. GJ.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Well i did delete my single response so it wouldn't be out of place.

    Man it's kinda funny, between yesterday and today we commented about "not grazing or breaking the rules or it would summon the trolls or antis" and it did happen =/

    Told you so.

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  • ThatOneGuy said:
    Ahaha no I was referring to the "Reimu" tag.

    I got your reference :)
    No mister munch-munch and no taking it easy makes Reimu something something...

    Go deibu?

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