One Yukkuri Place



ThatOneGuy said:
Is it a Reimu? I'm seeing "Monyan" here which seems like "Nyan" to me.

Could be. I'm actually making a Shinning reference.

"You mean 'Shining'."

"Shh! Do you want us to get sued?"

Monyan = Mokomoko + nyan... Mokou-Chen hybrid?

In any case, we can't really tell without the yukkuri accessory in view.

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  • SUN said:
    It's funny how smiling is now seen as a sign of hostile intent and deviousness when smiles were traditionally used to show happiness and good will.

    Sure it might technically be a smile.

    Some smiles show happiness and good will, but some smiles show teeth.

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  • JusticeItEasy said in post #31799 :
    In b4 Anko844 is actually Yukkuris of War translated to japanese D:

    No, but it's funny you should mention that, since both the Reisen in Yukkuri of War and Anko 844, "I made someone scary -- Udonge Beam" are similar in character and attitude. Anko 844's Reisen's Lunatic Eye is more like it's from Code Geass, though.

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  • ukshadow said:
    Right. So what, exactly, is the story behind this?

    Anko 833 - Oniisan's New Year Scene

    ...Sadly, it's just your typical wish-fulfillment threesome Touhou lemon fanfic, except the girls are "bodied yukkuri". You know, to keep it different. I ain't giving you the blow-by-blow account; it's just paragraphs of raunchy sex, sex, and more sex.

    It's an awesome way to start the new year, I admit. Oniisan anon is a genius.

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  • ThatOneGuy said: beastly.

    I would love to be able to read that.

    I would love to be able to translate this completely in English. Sadly, I'm not as proficient in Japanese, and am only limited to giving summaries, if I can even understand them. Unlike that other story I dropped, this anko is too awesome to remain untranslated.

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  • The anko was confusing to me, until I realized it was structured like yakuza eiga, or Japanese gangster film.

    The yukkuri in Anko 847 aare yukkuri gangs. Gesu Myon (the youmu with the Glasgow smile and the brickshitting Mister Sword) in particular is a reference to the psychotic characters in those movies (Kakihara in Ichi the Killer), while Gesu Mukyuu seems to be the brains of their gang, the Gesufamilia.

    post #38041 seems to be the fallout after the humans stepped in to intervene, with disastrous consequences for everyone.

    Never before have I wished to be more competent in Japanese so I can give more than half-baked summaries.

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  • Surprisingly, not an abuse-oriented story.

    It's a short story on an anon's attempts to catch wild yukkuri with improvised pitfall traps in the form of empty cup noodle containers lightly buried in the ground.

    The shocked expressions in the illustration are because the yukkuri parents were caught in the holes. Since the holes are wide enough to hold them in place while keeping their "feet" suspended, they can't move, and they're too stupid to free themselves.

    The anko ends with the anon contemplating on whether to abuse them or not.

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  • danogoat said:
    so did the girl forget alice on that place?

    I think MisakaWorstFemAnon (okay, these Index comparisons are getting ridiculous) left alice for AccelAnon to babysit (though it looks like its the other way around) while she goes out prowling with parsee.

    /is hit by a brick for the implied cougar slur

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    So the moral of the story is, put the buns in the cage since they aren't like birds nothing good will come from their freedom. . .i don't like that moral! D:

    Yeah, this anko used way too many figures of speech, I'm not really sure I've got everything right. The summary I typed down is the gist of it, from what I could understand.

    The bird cage motif is repeated throughout the fic as Alice compared herself with a caged bird while living as a pet. To fly in the sky is to be free...

    Her last words were "It's like flying with the birds..."

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