One Yukkuri Place



SIX said:
It's not stupidity, they're just babies. They pee in their sleep without knowing it.

I think the stupidity refers to the adults at their failure in parenting.

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  • ParticleMan said:
    My Japanese is bad, but let me try:

    Still way better than mine. I couldn't even figure out most of noraaki's handwriting, so I didn't attempt to translate this myself. Many thanks.

    Clever Marisa said:
    I want to try putting on this hat!

    Wow, at this rate Clever Marisa might be able to solve this mystery. I can't help but have an uneasy feeling about this, though...

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  • ukshadow said:
    Stake guy never did release anything else, did he?

    There's a theory that stake guy and bisexual are the same person.

    I personally think they are separate users, but happen to belong to the same circle, so their art is similar since they work on each other's art.

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