One Yukkuri Place



harouki said:

There is no "happy end" to this mess.

10 bucks its not any of those reimus

Oh, I'm pretty sure this will be a Happy_End, but not a Good_End for this herd.

And no one's taking that bet, it's too obvious.

I'm waiting for Clever Marisa to show up and witness this massacre. It's just too convenient not to happen.

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  • RedRightHand said:
    One of the stupidest aspects of Yukkuri fanon is their penchant for infanticide.

    I know animals kill their own young all the time, but Yukkuri model themselves after humans, not animals. So the idea that they think murder is a reasonable response to disrespect or meaness is pretty silly.

    Correction: Yukkuri are modeled after STUPID humans. That is, they mirrored the worst aspects of humanity.

    And yes, in some societies death is not only a reasonable response but a preferred method.

    Besides, arguing about fanon is pointless. The only battle lines drawn here is whether you are anti-abuse or not.

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  • RedRightHand said:
    Also, I'd like to see a story where a "mother" yukkuri is forced to inseminate it's "husband". I wonder what the role confusion who do to them?

    pool #275, though "forced to inseminate" is actually "rape" in that story.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    ;__; what a beautiful story, and man Marisa's Owner is basically a Tsundere for Life itself, like he is violently tsundere to anything in life from his pet to his friends and friends of his friends and lovers, like in this case with his pal's Reimu.

    I'm liking the siblings in this series. Even with their seeming antisocial and violent tendencies, they're more righteous and noble when it counts. I'd prefer seeing more of their misadventures.

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  • maximusfive said:
    I don't know about you guys, but that combined with the "no one else can come", I get the feeling she's just gonna kill them all....

    This sounds like the most likely scenario.

    Wouldn't it be hilarious if the execution ground turns out to be the school infirmary (where Clever Marisa and his mom just happens to be going to right now)?...

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  • EndEarth said:
    lost from fighting game i guess. When your charactor die "You Lost"

    That's lose, from the "You Lose" phrase.

    The lost tag seems to be more of a reference to the meme The Game, specifically "You Have Lost The Game".

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  • yukiyuzen said:
    Poweryoga's story

    That's the thing. It's poweryoga's story, not exactly accepted by the community as yukkuri canon/fanon (yu-non?). In fact, using one artist/author's views does not really hold water in this debate.

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  • Trololo said:
    that's creatively cruel, but if the mouth is forcefully held open then what's to stop the babies from crawling out?

    They're too young/ignorant/naive/stupid/<insert your favorite> to think of that.

    Then again, since the mouth is kept open, the koyukkuri won't technically be eaten yet (the whole munch-munch eating motions initiating the conversion process), just stored in the mouth.

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