One Yukkuri Place



yukiyuzen said:
That is so stupid I refuse to believe thats how the story goes unless we get a translation.

rorinko does homages to other artists' works all the time. This was posted as a response back when the original Breeding Nonshitting Yukkuri series collected in pool #39 was first posted.

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  • yukiyuzen said:
    How can you even tell its a different yukkuri? Theres no size comparison. If the Marisa is another ko, then the pictures fit perfectly.

    A nonexistent komarisa in the "previous" picture? post #37112 only shows us a mother reimu and child, nothing more.

    It's possible this could be part of a series (tentative pool title: The Trouble With Gutter Thrash Yukkuri and 100 Yen?), but the only thing related between the two pictures is the fact that a 100 yen coin was involved.

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  • HankySpank said:
    I don't think there's much room for trial and error for yukkuri. Most strays that make bad decisions are killed outright.

    You're neglecting the fact that they breed even faster than roaches.

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  • Borborygmus said:
    Yes, it is I.

    Gone through two laptops since my last post and I can't seem to access my old account.

    At least someone remembered me.

    You'll need to post in the forum here: forum #14 to get your old account back. Or get this new one up to Privileged level, which you should.

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  • poweryoga said:
    I swear this is from an RPG somewhere...

    The recent crop of arabian-themed reimu images makes sense if they are indeed homages of an RPG. Better yet, if they're making a yukkuri RPG game even now.

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  • yukiyuzen said:
    I'm not using a LCD screen and I min/maxed the resolution, brightness and contract of my screen. Still not seeing it, but I'll take your word for it.

    I just tried it with a CRT monitor, and it's there. Try maxing up the brightness, then tilt the monitor/look at the screen from an angle. If you still can't see that, get your eyes checked, because I got nothing.

    yukiyuzen said:
    Not seeing it, but if others can, whatever. I'll let someone else do the tagging.

    Don't overdo it. Tag only when it's appropriate, not because you feel like it is necessary. As someone who got a negative score for tag abuse, I should know.

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  • ukshadow said:
    What the hell is going on? I know Mister is using Orange Juice, but is this Reimu a damn phoenix? That's too much damage, I think.

    It's a very strong orange juice. Concentrate, perhaps?

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  • yukiyuzen said:
    Hm. No, I'm not seeing it. And that still doesn't explain the tags. (Wheres the koyukkuri?)

    You might need your eyes checked. I saw everything the moment the picture loaded in full.
    Adjust the resolution of your monitor. The freaky thing was intentionally drawn in a faint color to blend with the black.

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