One Yukkuri Place



JusticeItEasy said:
Man, what a way of canonically ruining Misaka, she maybe strong, but desing wise she doesn't look well with abs like that...
She would do better with a more traditional athletic built than the "ripped" look.

There's lots of problems with the original manga art style, and that's one you nitpick?

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  • Trololo said:
    Wow, that was quite the story.

    Reminds me of the old comic of yukkuri only saying yukkuri vs yukkuri saying words. The one that can't talk gets fed. The one that can is rude and gets squashed.

    For those who haven't seen it: post #1655

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to use the "uneasy" word like that, the word uneasy, for yukkuris, tend to bring out too many negative connotations, to the point of sometimes being a borderline insult or derrogative term.

    Maybe if it were more about "Humans feel uneasy or have to do things that make them feel uneasy even if they want to feel easy." it would be more appropiate, to say that "Humans are uneasy" can lead to negative misinterpretations.

    Or perhaps this might be intentional. Whether this is either due to the incomplete understanding (or misunderstanding of yukkuri nature) of the educator, or the yukkuri's faulty recollections (this is a flashback part after all) twisting the lessons into something that suits its purposes can only be known as this series unfolds.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Maybe the humans in suiso's yu world are genre savvy enough to know that "lipped = not good" reason why nobody that would want a pet goes for them, of course it doesn't explain why no abyuser takes the chance or someone wanting cheap food for their remirya or flandre doesn't go for it.

    Simple: Too easy.

    Abyusers are notorious since they're not picky with their targets, and some would even go out of their way to abyuse niceheads.

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  • GHOST01048 said:
    Balamb Garden? No, i need Reality.
    Maybe like raising a Hamsters.

    Spiteful hamsters with an innate sense of superiority that hurl verbal abuse at their owners? Sure I can see that ending well.

    They may need a bit more specialized training to be decent pets, unlike hamsters and such.

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  • danogoat said:
    but braid wiggling is a good tag...

    Go ahead and put it back--if you also backtag several other previous pictures that have it. Otherwise, it'll just be considered yet another one-use joke tag.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Hmm depending of the dialogue of the mother before the child protection, this story may pretty much be one of those stories on which the mother is the only nice one while the rest(babies included) are horrible shitheads.

    So does this count as parental_abuse?

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  • poweryoga said:
    What if the yukkuri believed it could read, and believed it was reading the body building manual correctly? >_>

    Then it would've turned into a bodied yukkuri instead.

    ...A hulking mass of humanoid manjuu that'll probably crumble apart on contact with beach water, but still.

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  • ukshadow said:
    Very simple! Follow these simple steps:

    1.- Open your eyes widely in an upward glance
    2.- Open your mouth and leave out your tongue
    3.- Let your drool and various other things drip out.
    4.- Nhoooo!

    It's just not the same...

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