One Yukkuri Place



JusticeItEasy said:
Good Yu's are shown to be able to recognize the yukkuris without accessories as family members, or somewhat respect and feeling sympathy for them (at worse being scared a bit) it REALLY is a scum thing, they are the ones who not only look down on yu's without accesories but in some cases outright kill them.


The moment they go "Uneasy thing that can't take it easy must die" is the moment I identify them as scum.

The yukkuri's mindset boils down to "Everything exists to let them [the yukkuri] take it easy". How they act upon this belief is what differentiates niceheads and shitheads.

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  • Tweak said:
    Why the 'shithead' tag? The usual 'parent doesn't recognize its hatless child' scenario doesn't typically warrant the shithead label. That's just a common mental shortcoming of their species.

    That's for the previous page.

    This is the "Uneasy thing that can't take it easy must die" page. Parenthood deficiency has nothing to do with this part.

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  • Psycho2112 said:
    I appears that the absence of a hat has driven the Marisa over the edge. Strange, wouldn't it be beyond saving at this point?

    This is a crossover with the "Yukkuri Family From The City" series, pool #155

    Read that for context.

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  • Cosplayer_T said:

    But to understand why the most of modern Yukkuris have greedy habit, you need to understand "true" meaning of "ゆっくりしていってね!".

    You still haven't answered my question.

    What is this "true" meaning of "ゆっくりしていってね!"?

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  • Cosplayer_T said:
    Well, to be honest, I don't mind what is standard translation here.
    And I also don't think "take it easy!" is the best translation of "ゆっくりしていってね!" lol.

    Oh, I'm sure you do.

    Well, then as the authority on what's right, what do you suggest is the proper translation?

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  • Interesting to note here is that this is one of the rare portrayals of shithead kids still loyal to their deibu parent, instead of usually betraying them at a drop of a hat (accessory).

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  • ukshadow said:
    Didn't the guy rape/kidnap Demeter?

    Why would he do that to his mother-in-law, when he already scored a hot wife? Granted, Demeter must be a total MILF, if her daughter and Hades' wife Persephone is anything to go by...

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  • zidana123 said:
    it's a reference to how suiso's bodied reisen keeps getting smaller and smaller

    No surprise, a kimonge might prefer death more than to suffer the humiliation that is moefication.

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  • zidana123 said:
    Wouldn't adult strays just puff puff back or attack it? :(

    That's when the electrified surface comes into play, to give the strays a shocking surprise.

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