One Yukkuri Place



danogoat said:

Looking forward to the results of this challenge.

(OMG I created a monster... Heh.)

Salem said:
Wouldn't say shithead, but they're weird and full of surprise (like tuning dream or cooking delicious curry from who-know-what)

But has there been a shithead osatou yukkuri? A REAL SHITHEAD (caps for emphasis), as defined by OYP?

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  • GHOST01048 said:
    What is "dicipurin" ......
    but i think my Grammar error.

    how can improve?
    i hope next better.

    The first comment was being farcical. Either a poorly written pun, with the word "dicipurin" how you pronounce "discipline", or possibly a portmanteau of "diction" and "pronounciation". In any case, it wasn't very funny.

    Anyway, you're doing fine. Just keep on practicing.

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  • konakona said:

    What, are soldiers pussy fucks in China or something?

    Assaulting civilians? Want to be court-martialed?

    Even if said soldiers have good reason, the media circus will guarantee a short career, if not ruining the rest of their lives.

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  • zidana123 said:
    I'm surprised they're still lining up after having seen what awaits them. Normally they scatter and run away upon seeing stuff like this O_O

    Probably realizing subconsciously (if they have any) that they're doomed either way.

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