One Yukkuri Place



danogoat said:
also is out of order. and i dont think some pages belong to the same series.

The pool is more like a collection of the Combat Miko character and series.

You could say that "Yukkuri Infestation" is the first "arc", followed by the adventures of the Combat Miko corps as they invade every other popular story out there in a glorious, bullet-ridden crossover, all in the name of miko intervention (the most notable one being the infamous yu-cat series with the yuuka abduction).

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  • RootBeer said:
    why, i'd gladly give them $100 in loonies, watching them being crushed.

    On that note, it's odd that of all the coin_abuse pictures, there's only 1 picture that shows the yukkuri crushed by coins (well, 2, but the other one was more like hit by something dropped at it, not squashed by the weight of coins)...

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  • Livio said:
    Stake guy's delicious trap might be what you're looking for.
    Or possibly ThatOneGuy's Miss Mister?

    Hold on... this is Trap-aki's homage to TOG?

    ...Cultural exchange at it's finest.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Yeah but it seems the story is developing in such way the new ko's may actually become true friends to miss, and from the look of it she seems to had realized that Reimu isn't her friend.

    I think so too. Here's to hoping for a good end to miss, and a happy end to shitheads.

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