One Yukkuri Place



Cosplayer_T said:
Maybe you are saying about mirror site?
The story is in Anko.

Not everyone can link to main Anko-chan site. Anko-chan's archives (aka. Anko-chan mirror) is not yet updated.

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  • GHOST01048 said:

    Do not like death, because can not see the pain. 8D

    can't jump, can't run and no Expression of Yukkuri.
    Just a bread,it not funny. >︵<!

    so Mr.s Reimu can't death :D

    Finally, I most loved Panel nine.8D!

    Brilliant. I like the way you think.

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  • ThatOneGuy said:
    Kimonges were the original Reisen Yukkuri before the cute Udonges came around.

    Kimonges originally were associated with corruption and things of greed in general (like a fat cat) usually seen sinisterly smiling and smoking a cigarette or a cigar whilst laughing derisively post #2604 hence early Udonges saying Gera Gera as well. So not really yandere since they only have their eyes for the greens (or whatever the hell color japanese money is).

    I feel a little down that this is a more concise and well-written definition that what the wiki gives us .

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  • Excellent submission as always.

    ThatOneGuy said:
    I actually promised that I would have had it out by the night before but yeah... Here it is now.

    I seem to make it a habit. Breaking my own deadlines I mean. Ugh -__-

    It's all good, at least it took you less than a month.

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  • zidana123 said:

    Except for you, Mystia! Standing off to the side like that and spreading your wings!

    Mystia is working harder than everyone else. Workers need Mister Idol to keep them motivated.

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