One Yukkuri Place



zidana123 said:
why would you say that D:

Because it's not parsee.

Yeah, right, as if like there's more than the following 3 variations of parsee ever: Jealous, Miserably Jealous, and Murderously Jealous.

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  • Hrywhoaranngnh said:
    Lesson of the day:

    In yukkuris: uglyness = annoyance

    Proof? Everytime a yukkuri throws a tamtrum they get ugly as fuck and get killed or worse, cute yukkuris are mostly trained ones and are less annoying, exceptions are the ones who look cute to try get benefits.


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  • zidana123 said:

    I'm not attacking his style, mind you. I think it worked very well in Degradation of Marisa. But his style is actually detrimental when put into a relay comic, imo.

    His style is the LEAST of the problems with him. Good riddance.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Pet Clothes are evil, you're basically abusing them by putting them such things!
    I knew this book was a rip off considering the crying reimu in each page but now it became blatlantly obvious!
    Not a single good book about taking care of yu pets would encourage you to torture them by making them wear such horrid things!

    Just as planned.

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  • If the food's head is present in the dish, I'd go for the eyes, especially fish eyes.

    Except for pig or cow eyes, they're too rubbery for me. In those cases I take out their tongue first. Yummy.

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