One Yukkuri Place



Gothic_Togekiss said:
ぷしーろーるっ!translate roughly into "Denpushiroru/Denpushī rōru" or Dempsey Roll. I didn't get the connection until now.

Dempsey Roll! That's the one.

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  • Creticus said:
    I dislike many Touhou fan memes, but that's one of the ones that I dislike the most even though Reisen made for a terrible, terrible soldier.

    So funny bits like lighthearted tea parties with your opponents after vicious duels are frowned upon, but GRIMDARK TOUHOU with PTSDing traitor moon rabbit soldier is A-OK?

    Insisting that one's arbitrary "pick and choose" fanon is the ONE TRUE CANON annoys me a lot more.

    JusticeItEasy said:

    TLDR: I don't mind the memes for fun, I do mind them if used seriously like if it were canon material.


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