One Yukkuri Place



danogoat said:
japan companies cant program for shit

Hell no.

poweryoga said:
There's plenty of PC games in japan, but they tend to be very different from what we have here in the states.


zidana123 said:
Porn games!

And this.

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  • Skribulous said:
    I think this is actually a parody of Lonely Gourmet. Though it seems that Kuso Miso Technique is also by the same guy. Not sure, though.

    To clarify what I said here, what I meant here is that no.36 guy could be doing a kuso_miso_technique (aka. yaranaika) parody here. When I said "the same guy", I meant the character in this comic, not the artist. Sorry for the confusion.

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  • Cloudrunner62 said:
    Lol the CHARACTER Marisa Kirisame once said she could recite all the digits of pi before...something, don't recall offhand what, happened.

    Chen doesn't get it!

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  • Trololo said:

    I wonder what shitheaded reason she's crying.

    Because the perfect little princess that's the bestest in the world got herself dirty doing punishment to uneasy thing.

    ...I feel sick typing that line.

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  • HankySpank said:
    Does japan even have a specific name for that jesus painting? They seem to really like it, for some reason.

    JusticeItEasy said:
    The original painting is called Ecce Hommo, this guy was called "ugly bear" by yukkuris in a previous page, so I like to call him Ecce Ursa!


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