One Yukkuri Place



danogoat said:
wow how did you recognize it? me thinks dosu is a hentai...

Watermark at lower-right is artist's signature. Don't be jealous of dosu's braggable powers of perception.

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  • poweryoga said:
    I can just see it now. It's like a subgenre within a subgenre within a subgenre. It's like inception except with yukkuri fetishes that just sort of never end.

    Welcome to the fetish fandom. Name a fetish, and somewhere out there (usually in the internets) there's a community of fans of that specific fetish.

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  • zidana123 said:
    wait, wouldn't the gum just get stuck to the inside of Marisa's mamu mamu? o.O

    There are some brands of gum that actually loose their stickyness after a while (but usually that happens when it's chewed on a lot).

    YukkurisMustDie said:
    donch getch ich

    did alice use gum to stick a condom on, or what?

    The gum IS the condom.

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  • Creticus said:
    Hm, to be fair, the Smurf ad isn't as terrible as it could be. It's lame and even a bit silly, but it does get the general message across.

    It's exactly that line of thinking that would create this sort of ad using yukkuri.

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