One Yukkuri Place



VulpineSpruce said:
How would you control the Beer Flow, Seems like a waste if you just cut off the horn, Letting it all pour out. Also, Wouldn't this be Abuse?

Clearly, this is meant to be a one-off. Dispose after using~

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Well, aside of a few exceptions, Bodied Yukkuris are portrayed as way more smarter and nicer than their average selves (some theorize that it's the extra ammount of paste letting them process more intelligence and understanding).

    And then we have exceptions to this "rule", like the bodied remilia.

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  • Xypher said:
    Hmm what is that in the mouths of the Alice and Marisa ?

    Looks like sharp sticks.

    They were probably about to kill the infant when Patchu intervened, telling them that they can have a useful killer slave if raised properly.

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  • My 2 cents...

    Like SHINOBI said, but also Patchouli was parsee at femanon for "taking away" her yukkuri friends/partners/allies/whatever with the innate goodness, and not becoming the trained monster she intended. Patchu was about to pull a deibu and kill the offending worthless slave when she overheard the miss human talking in her sleep about the things she taught. Her mentoring instincts won out and she end up raising femanon herself to become a prim and proper person, and not a killing tool like she originally planned. The knife ended up abandoned, never to be used (hopefully).

    Good end.

    Raben said:
    ...mein gott that's Koakuma. Without wings/shorter hair, but still...

    No surprising, Patchouli is her mentor, after all.

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