One Yukkuri Place



zidana123 said:
lol, yea, those shadows... >_>

The light source doesn't work at all... the floor shadow suggests that marisa's face should be in the shadow, but for some reason it's not. :(

Experiment with gradients. ;)

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  • Raben said:
    The suii drivers, sure. But Mystia/Popular Marisa was a private meeting. Was it necessary to keep the charade going while no one watched?

    Except it wasn't a private meeting, since Popular Marisa did inform the yukkuri in the shelter after the fact.

    Most likely Mystia was the go-between Popular Marisa and the rest of the slavers to coordinate their plan. This of course opens up the question of how coordinated they have become, with the implications that this well-organized setup is too well-planned to be simply thought up by yukkuri.

    Still holding out for human involvement here.

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  • zidana123 said:
    But but but...

    it IS awfully cute... T_T

    When you're a bystander, watching yukkuri antics can be cute and nontriggering.

    Put yourself in the target's shoes, and you will experience "Yukkuri Syndrome": post #55.

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  • maximusfive said:
    Bumping a single old image, or even 3 or 4 is alright, its when someone bumps 10 - 20 old images that we start to get cranky, because when you bump so many old images, the newer ones that people are commenting on get pushed off the first few pages, which bothers some of us.

    It's not just the volume of the posts that get bumped up, but it's the value of the comment that's the main factor. Pointless comments that does not add to the picture are very, very annoying.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    There can be no justice when the cast is made completely of wicked yu's, selfish retarded yu's and stupidly ignorant yu's.

    Sadly there is no hero yu in this story, only unlikeable vicitms and disgusting villains.

    Oh, but there is a hero in this story: The Komarisa at the very beginning fits the shonen protagonist stereotype. You know the type: the simpleminded, dense paste-for-brains who saves the day in the end,

    ...Okay, they're all doomed.

    JusticeItEasy said:

    Okay after putting aside Super Serious Drama Chime!

    I wonder if the Sweet-Sweets used for money would be cookies or what, though it would be hilarious if any "single" sweet counts as "1 sweet-sweet" having a yu bring 10 big bars of chocolate while another brings only 12 small gumballs and such...

    And that without partaking in wondering how the fuck this yu's know to count beyond 3....unless....those slaves aren't for fellow yukkuris at all...

    Note that near the start of this series, at the part where those Marisa slavers were hawking their wares, so to speak, their clients include gold badged pet yukkuri.

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  • zidana123 said:
    Thanks! Although Noraaki has some really nice linework. And even though his yukkuris have relatively small eyes they're very detailed. I wish I could do eyes like his T_T

    That's because you're looking at his latest work. Nora's early art is just... well, "terrible" is too nice to describe how bad it is. But as you can see, he evolved and got better (not by much--his yukkuri faces are as limited in expressions as ever). So can you.

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  • zidana123 said:
    Oh hey, thanks for that! I was actually looking around for that tag and after variously entering it as 'drawing guide' and 'tutorial' I kind of gave up, lol... >_<

    Heh, you're welcome. Just happy to help a fellow enthusiast. ;)

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  • This is why you must pay respects and bow to your honorable opponent before every duel. And also most importantly, always go to a fighting stance before entering mortal combat.

    Then again, no amount of martial arts can save a yukkuri from these Karateka baddies. In the event she does somehow miraculously survive, she still has to contend with THE BIRDS.

    Fucking birds.

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  • zidana123 said:
    Yay! Tongue! And pee pee of suffering! XD

    very appreciated!

    If I had to put into words why I like the erect tongues, I think it's super adorable when IRL animals like kitties and dogs have their tongues sticking out. They look so pink and soft and I just wanna touch em! :D

    And then if you touch the animals' tongues they're all like ??? and don't understand what's happening XD

    And here I thought you have a sexually_suggestive fetish...

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  • Mariodante said in post #48544:
    ^^Why don't you ask them how to drive a suii, too, haha.

    Well, if you really want to know... post #34850

    Mariodante said:

    PS, Yukkuri on addictive drugs?! Fucking brilliant! I want to do a piece about two Yukkuri tripping effing balls, but addictive substances...that's really good.

    More hilarious contributions to the drugs tag are always welcome. Note how the one thing they have in common is the presence of the yu-powder--observant readers might have realized this as far back as post #48067 in this series.

    ...In other words, the Purple Kodeimu is so very, very fucked.

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  • Hrywhoaranngnh said:
    I dont remember seeing a yu-chart on the wiki.

    If by "wiki" you are referring to the wikia site, that site has been abandoned for a long time now. A lot of information there are inaccurate.

    OYP has yet to update a proper guide, but everything that's necessary should already be posted. The size_chart tag would be a good start to look for comparison charts.

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