One Yukkuri Place



Mokomoko said:
So tell me. Are the yukkuris cute enough? Since I reckon FF would be rather boring over time, my idea here is treating this as some sort of moe anime; I plan to overload you guys with cuteness and fuzziness until you all suffer from diabetes! HAHA! Tell me when I succeed with that, 'kay?

Challenge accepted. Come at me, bro!

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  • Explosion said:
    Yeah, much worse to do this to a dog.

    You know, since there would be no shock value in it as dogs are worthless and no one would care.

    /trollface III: revenge of the griefers

    What? No dead baby jokes?

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  • kurutto-kun said:
    A parody is something funny based on something serious bu it doesn't matter how much I try to look at the video in a serious way. It was way fucked up

    The original subject doesn't need to be "serious" for a parody to be made out of (see: politics, editorial cartoons). And calling this a "homage" doesn't fit right.

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  • Shark_Attack_II said:
    I'm not sure these are yukkuris.
    It isn't tagged with yukkuri on pixiv, just Yuuka, Reimu, Guns, and Touhou... (Not that that is a bad combination)

    On the other hand, this is yu-cat's yuka-chen, which is already established to be a yukkuri hybrid.

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  • Random2 said:
    Who cares if they're nice or not? Torture is still satisfying.

    The only ones tortured here at this point are the readers, since this series ends abruptly without any continuation. Heck, the "abuse" was barely even there, but more like a rich and lazy man's version of yuudoro's stalk amputation.

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    Easy mode: squishing a handful of koyukkuri
    Normal: squashing a yukkuri family
    Hard mode: smashing a yukkuri herd
    LUNATIC MODE: take on an army of dosuyukkuri

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