One Yukkuri Place



Great work on the translation. This was always one of the ones that interested me, a Reimu pretending to be a gold-badged Marisa.

And I do love the mind games Anon played with it.

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  • You know, considering the apparent lack of anything resembling a good performance and the fact they're doing that really irritating 'sorry we're so cute' thing from the previous page, I actually don't feel so bad about them getting mugged.

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  • Why do I get the feeling Chen is misleading Utsuho? I mean, I really doubt a wooden cabin would be 'sufficient' to house and experiment on an Utsuho.

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  • I'm guessing he probably didn't like it as much as his wife does.

    But when it gets murdered by a shithead, it's time to step up and let loose some JUSTICE, I guess.

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  • Oh, Python, how I wish to REFRESH!! with you...

    ...okay, so I was working on an assignment for the better part of two weeks not long ago and my partner had the rather brilliant idea of doing it in Python. I have not programmed in Python before. He pointed me towards a tutorial and told me to read it in an hour. An hour later, I was convinced how insanely and godly sexy Python can be.

    Our assignment still turned out to be a pain in the ass, but Python made it easier to take. FOr instance, import OS, os.walk(basedir) and bam - two lines and you're now capable of traversing all the files and folders on a computer and then some.


    ...okay, so that may or may not be entirely correct syntax, but you get the idea. Great stuff, Python.

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  • Patchys love the textbook on the mathematics regarding spatial properties that are preserved under continuous deformations of objects, and dislike the terribly written garbage that is Stephanie Meyers' sparkly vampire series?

    Okay, so I had to Wiki topology.

    That aside, I too would rather read a math textbook than any part of Twilight.

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