One Yukkuri Place



The skin doesn't so much look like pastry as actual skin. Maybe that's what you were going for. In my experience manjū/mochi skin is fairly consistent in tone, manjū are white, mochi are also white, but have translucent skin. Food for thought for your next image.

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  • I think the difference is that cats are more clever and yukkuri can speak. So it's probably worse to do it to a cat. Now I think doing this to a dog, especially a pet is on par with doing this to a cat. I mean, pet dogs can have such loyalty and good will towards you, even if they are less intelligent than cats.

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  • Don't switch now the font's fine it's just not the best. Take some time to consult with some of the other transcribers on OYP, they really know their way around fonts. If I were to make a recommendation about this particular font choice I'd say make it a bit more bold. Right now it says: "We are worried we might overspend on ink, so we made the font really thin while still being readable." Do you know what I mean?

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