One Yukkuri Place



If you can't beat them?
You can always beat yukkuri.

Well, whatever. As the teacher points out, transference is missing the point.
Though it's funny how she only realises this because they were still willing to bully Hammer, rather than because of the yukkuri abuse.

Hmmm... there's a thought:
Assuming that yukkuri-bloodsports (Yukkurimon, Yukkurinator, EFC, Takeshi's Easy Castle) are common, do you think that human-bloodsports would come back into fashion in their shadow?

Perhaps as people grow tired of seeing the limited ability of yukkuri, but have gained a taste for blood?

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  • Then he probably should have cut it off or killed them.

    If pet yukkuri are actually considered "pets" then he's just done the equivalent of throwing out a puppy with the intelligence and survival skills of a (stupid) human child.
    While leaving his contact details printed on its face.

    Kinda makes me wonder if there is a Stupid Human tag.

    It's a good idea though, to supplement badges and chips, which can be stolen or missed. It'd be best if it was out of the way, but obviously that doesn't work for a comic.

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