One Yukkuri Place



sadetta131 said:
This time i don't defend these yukkuris since they had an intention to harm human in early of this story.

I'd normally agree with you, but they only intended to harm "bad humans", i.e. those who kill their fellow Yukkuri.

Can't blame them for that.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    I could come out with a over 9000 wall of words pointing out the fallacy of saying that humans are like yukkuris, but i don't feel like discussing much or starting a potential nerd rage fighting.

    All i'll say is that Yukkuris aren't Like Humans, there is a reason why we don't apply to them the same standars than "nice non chaotic evil" youkais, aliens, androids, etc. Plus, unlike humans, you rarely find a yukkuri being self judgemental (both of itself and it's species).

    Do you think that Yukkuri's actually exist?

    Honest Question.

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  • yukiyuzen said:
    Yukkuri abuse "works" because they're violent, selfish, arrogant, ignorant slobs with no respect for anything other than themselves.

    Yukkuri behavior isn't standardized in any way. Please stop pretending that it is.

    Also, new flash: Yukkuri abuse is snuff.

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  • I really hope this isn't Provoked Abuse the form of a Home Invasion story.

    Shit is so dumb.

    "These creatures came into my house uninvited,and gave me attitude about it, so I'll murder them in the most brutal fashion possible"

    As soon as the artist tries to justify the abuse it gets really lame.

    I should note: Home Invasion is Provoked Abuse only when the Yukkuri actually treat it like an invasion.

    If it's accidental, i.e. they didn't realize it, I consider it Unprovoked.

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  • The way I see it, kiriraitaa's done 4 different types of stories:

    Unprovoked Hard Abuse (True Happiness)
    Provoked Hard Abuse (Microwave Story)
    Yukkuri vs. Yukkuri (Shell Marisa)
    Light Abuse (Between Stuides)

    At this point he's covered pretty much every base, with the exception of family friendly.

    Personally, I'm hoping this new series is Unprovoked Hard Abuse, as that's the only kind I really like.

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  • >Daddy is going to do his best to hunt.....

    God I fucking hate it when they refer to themselves as male. I know Yukkuri are double-sexed, but for fucks sake, they're modeled after female characters!

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  • One of the stupidest aspects of Yukkuri fanon is their penchant for infanticide.

    I know animals kill their own young all the time, but Yukkuri model themselves after humans, not animals. So the idea that they think murder is a reasonable response to disrespect or meaness is pretty silly.

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