One Yukkuri Place

Man, I wish yukkuri were real so HARD!!

Posted under General

By the way, if yukkuri were to exist, how would you imagine they look like?

And how would they follow the fundamental laws of biology?

How would you imagine a biologically plausible yukkuri?

Canttakeiteasy said:

Jellyfish stem cell laden creature >_> I had a story touching on this particular matter.

My idea is yukkuri is a plant-animal-fungal hybrid.

Fungal creature, based off how fast they reproduce. They're not really possible otherwise given how easily/quickly they seem to die off or kill themselves.

funny thing is, one of the original characteristics of yukkuris is that it can eat anything and turn it to energy (though preferring sweets). So there's a funny story where yukkuris saved the world:

- Yukkuris eat all the garbage including plastic, solving trash issues.
- Yukkuris are food and reproduce tremendously well and survive with just OJ, solving world hunger
- Wild yukkuris are easy food for all animals, saving many species that were losing their food sources due to urbanization and loss of habitat.
- hurray

poweryoga said:

- Yukkuris eat all the garbage including plastic, solving trash issues.

They were removing the eyes from yukkuri and telling them the room was full of sweet-sweets instead of garbage, and they just rolled with it. The yukkuri enjoyed eating all the trash.

Hitosura said:

They were removing the eyes from yukkuri and telling them the room was full of sweet-sweets instead of garbage, and they just rolled with it. The yukkuri enjoyed eating all the trash.

Can I get an easy link to that, please?

If they could exist like in fiction, I'd abuse them like hell. If they exist as an type of animal, I wouldnt. Its confusing, I know.
On fiction I see them like just a thing. But in real life it would be hard to something lives without any similarity with other living being. Except it pop to our reality from another dimension (so much easier this way lol). I wish Rick's portal gun exists =(

If they existed in real life, it'd be hard to get over the fact they're literally shaped like severed human heads. My headcanon is if they existed, they'd have to have always existed alongside humans in order for it to not seem utterly bizarre. If they just randomly appeared one day it would be complete and utter chaos.

poweryoga said:

funny thing is, one of the original characteristics of yukkuris is that it can eat anything and turn it to energy (though preferring sweets). So there's a funny story where yukkuris saved the world:

- Yukkuris eat all the garbage including plastic, solving trash issues.
- Yukkuris are food and reproduce tremendously well and survive with just OJ, solving world hunger
- Wild yukkuris are easy food for all animals, saving many species that were losing their food sources due to urbanization and loss of habitat.
- hurray

Fortunately, they have a habit of self destructing and is placed near/ is at the bottom of the food chain. If not, welp, it'll be like bio-meat.

Cute_Aggression said:

How come?

Imagine if one day you're going to the shop to buy some groceries, and suddenly out of your front door you see a head bugging you about making it a pet.
That'd be pretty spoopy.

Cute_Aggression said:

How come?

Well, first of all imagine dismembered heads bouncing around. Yukkuris are drawn in the anime style but if they were real, I'd imagine they will look like REAL heads. So firstly they'd cause a huge shock in the world, and people would argue for years to come the why/how they came into being and how the hell we've never discovered them before.

They'd immediately be dissected. How they work (powered by beanpaste and other sweets!?) would be a complete and utter destruction of the laws of physics as we know it since the only way they'd make any sort of sense is "magic".

They convert food into paste: also via magic.

Speech without any sort of organs? magic.

The existence of a yukkuri is crazy to even think about.