One Yukkuri Place

For the abyusers

Posted under General

Clammabon has some of my favorites. It's hard to point out a single picture specifically to be honest, as the abyuse is usually more fun and more satisfying in a comic series.

You know, recently I think I may have pinpointed why we all like to abyuse yukkuris. I think it has to do with their obsession with making babies and their obsession with cuteness ("bwein bworn cyute!", "sowwy for bwein sho cyute!" etc.)

At least, that's what does it for me.

YukkurisMustDie said:
You know, recently I think I may have pinpointed why we all like to abyuse yukkuris. I think it has to do with their obsession with making babies and their obsession with cuteness ("bwein bworn cyute!", "sowwy for bwein sho cyute!" etc.)

Not me. I like abyuse because I think they are adorable while being abyused! And they struggle so hard to live despite their inherent fragile nature! Like this one:

YukkurisMustDie said:
You know, recently I think I may have pinpointed why we all like to abyuse yukkuris. I think it has to do with their obsession with making babies and their obsession with cuteness ("bwein bworn cyute!", "sowwy for bwein sho cyute!" etc.)

At least, that's what does it for me.

zidana123 said:
Not me. I like abyuse because I think they are adorable while being abyused! And they struggle so hard to live despite their inherent fragile nature! Like this one:

There's actually a classic story that attempts to rationalize this yukkuri-abuse behavior: pool #178

I'm more on justice-based abyuse.

Shitty Yukkuris that do shit (which enrages me to no end) are bound to get shit upon in the future (and balances the scales of justice).

Ain't an abyuser, but post #39394 and the story related to it just did it in for me. Also, anything where Z-aki or gesuaki Deibus gets the justice is always fine.