One Yukkuri Place

What do you like in abuse?

Posted under General

For me seeing trash yukkuri abused is boring and lame excuse by artists who feel guilty making innocents suffer.

No, true beauty in yukkuri abuse is taking innocent, good meaning yukkuri and destroying it's carefre happy life.

They think they have any right to be happy and live while other creatures have to fight for existance. Humans are most evovle race, god's masterpiece, therefore we have the right to show those pathetic imitations of us who is the true ruler of this world.

Like how in here we see human children learning the difference between god given life and abominations like yukkuri.

I do have a bit of ap roblem here seeing how resilient aturho made yukkuri, I just loive their family inocence being destroyed in one go but superior human.

And again kiriraitaa - they seem so oblisvious, can't beleive someone would hurt them if they haven't done anything wrong. This is the beauty if yukkuri abuse. Destroy innocence of an abomination.

Nature gave us ability to destroy and fee lgood over it. It shows we are true living beings. Innocent yukkuri don't deserve to live as they lack ability to understand our feelings. They are nothing but fake.

And here we see yukkuri trying to imitate humans - growing crop? Farming? No, this is the right of humans you pathetic copies! And therefore they recevied divine punishment and their hard work was ruined and they themselves destroyed for daring imitate humans.

And here we have respected citizen of Japan (I bet he is what they call as sarariiman) who shows stagnated society how to put shtity yukkuri to their place. It is human right and obligation to bring yukkuri suffering.

The people passing by and not helping him symbolize grey masses and cowardly liberals who would let out society be overrun by disgusting immigrant trash.

Updated by FunkSoulBrother

hueiteasy said:
*backs away cautiously*

Don't tell me everyone on this site shares the same view.

Oh god no. How many other tl;dr manifestos with Passionate Opinions on Yukkuris have you seen around here?

Everyone else here is trying to take it easy. At least I am.

I'm very easy with my views about abyuse.

I don't enjoy physical abyuse that much, and usually feel better with JUSTICE endings (shitheads getting what they deserve).

For me, yus are like cats but able to talk. Cute, but annoying.

hueiteasy said:
Don't tell me everyone on this site shares the same view.

If you had that assumption out of nobody commenting anything against it before your comment, then let me tell you that's not the case.
People probably just wanted to ignore him and his thread, reason why nobody showed any disagreement or anything, you know, let the questionable and controversial manifesto die out and all that.

If I were to pin OYP's average into a "side", I would say we are more in the middle kind of folks, enjoying both aspects of yu works based on our preferences.

Oh yes absolutely. Everyone here is batshit insane couldn't you tell? Especially that Danogoat guy. Watch out for him. He's totally crazy for SatoxParu (´・ ω・`)

Danogoat is the wildest of them all... He is also really into MeilingxParu... ಠ‿ಠ

YukkuriExecutioner said:
They think they have any right to be happy and live while other creatures have to fight for existance.


And here we see yukkuri trying to imitate humans - growing crop? Farming? No, this is the right of humans you pathetic copies!

It's like I'm reading a speech from a manga villain! Entertaining! Are you sure you're not a bad guy from a sentai series or something?

I usually enjoy JUSTICE works, but...Kiri does Nicehead abuse really well. He does a good job of making them cute in a really annoying way. Kiri's nicehead works are the only nicehead abuse comics I really like...

hueiteasy said:
*backs away cautiously*

Don't tell me everyone on this site shares the same view.

Silence does not agreement make, sir!

I too like it best when yus are minding their own business then anon comes through to make them suffer.

being cute while suffering is best though.


Feels like we've done this discussion again. So instead of repeating myself, have some old threads I've dug up to answer your question:

forum #1946 "What's your interest in yukkuri?"
forum #1874 "For the abyusers"

There may be more, but I'm not even gonna bother sifting through the forum archives for all of them. Also, a caveat: some of these answers may be outdated, as tastes and interests change with time...

Skribulous said:

Feels like we've done this discussion again. So instead of repeating myself, have some old threads I've dug up to answer your question:

Ah, so that's why I had a deja-vu when I saw the thread title.