One Yukkuri Place

SimYukkuri Translation Project Briefing

Posted under General

Hi, as you know, there was a new shitaraba version released a short time ago, and its available only in japanese atm. Fear not however! Im working on translating the menus and game content, what I cannot do however, is translate dialog! That is where you come in.

Upon your acceptance, I will send you a yukkuri dialog file which contains all the possible dialog of a single type of yukkuri in hiragana, there is no kanji.
What I need of you, is to translate the dialog and replace it in the text file in exactly the same spot. I highly, highly, highly reccomend using Notepad++ so formatting isnt an issue.
If you aren't sure of a translation, note the line number in your post and leave hte original next to the translation, it wont glitch as long as its only on one line.

I dont reccomend taking on more than one yukkuri type at a time, each yukkuri is around 3k lines of dialog, all of which must be translated. When you are done, simply send me the file inthe same format you received it and I will add it to the main directory in preperation for release. Thank you.

Sidenote: In all dialogue etc, please westernize the names, eg. Ayaya becomes Aya, Chiruno becomes Cirno. But leave the filenames intact, otherwise it wont be refrenced correctly!

Currently Available Yukkuri:
Alice - BaronMind
Reimu - Meloon

Updated by Sukuna

Pick a yukkuri and I'll send you their files for editing. It's all yuspeak and a lot of it is just the same thing with various slurring levels do to age. Tbh though, it's a horrible mess of a system and far inferior to the previous in terms of code, but easier to modualize.

Any yukkuri is fine! Umm, do I need a special editor? I don't know Notepad++...


Is what we're dealing with basically the text files in /source/data of the japanese version like ayaya_j, alice_j, alive_ev_j etc?

Just to clarify before anyone is terrified at the prospect of 3000 lines per yukkuri, these files (assuming they're used properly in the code) are actually quite logically laid out for the layman:

Each yukkuri type (including subtypes like MarisaReimu) has two files yukkuri_ev_j and yukkuri_j.

Inside are situational sections like [WantFood][/WantFood] and [ConcernAboutEldersister][/ConcernAboutEldersister]

Next, the dialogue is organized into <normal></normal> and <rude></rude>. If there is not rude-specific dialogue presumeably the game uses the normal dialogue whether the yukkuri is nice or shit.

Finally, it is separated into <adult></adult>, <child></child> and <baby></baby>

A lot of these are duplicates or near-duplicates. Oftentimes, the adult, child and baby versions have basically the same lines except the children slur a bit and variants and hybrids often share lines with their base type. I suspect it's safe (and adviseable) for whoever takes the Marisa dialogue for example to also take all the Marisa variants' dialogue as well. Always start translation on the adult dialogue first. We can add slurring later.

EDIT: Also Notepad++ is pretty awesome. I'm no coder myself but I can at least go into some of the java files so I can try to understand (and sympathize!) on what's problematic about the coding overall.

At a glance, the system for dialogue and each yukkuri having its one .java file (assuming it's properly executed and everything you need to throw a yukkuri into the game is, in fact, mostly in that file) is indeed very modular and might be intended to allow easy addition of more yukkuri by people with limited coding expertise. The fact the dialogue files are marked _j indicates at least the intent of making translation easy. Presumeably there'll be some way later to make the game reference xyz_e for English for example. Either way it appears well organized for the translators at least, if not for coders.


That's about right, though there's no point in leaving any Japanese since eclipse will break it anyway, and making it switch would've more or less pointless since we all speak English anyway. I have the game in a compile able state already, one benefit of this system is that eclipse doesn't throw 9000 missing quotations mark errors per yu, because there are no quotes necessary.

Notepad++ is basically word pad with proper formatting.

It will be less annoying to add because once it's in Latin alphabet I can just edit it in eclipse directly.

melooon said:

I suspect it's safe (and adviseable) for whoever takes the Marisa dialogue for example to also take all the Marisa variants' dialogue as well.

I'd be careful about that. The Big Terrarium version did have slightly differing dialogue, even in the English version, for Aquatic Marisa concerning her accessory (Wah! Where is shell?). I assume it might be different for Kotatsu Marisa as well (Where is table/kotatsu?)

melooon said:

EDIT: Also Notepad++ is pretty awesome. I'm no coder myself but I can at least go into some of the java files so I can try to understand (and sympathize!) on what's problematic about the coding overall.

Would you say it's "Double Plus Good"?


Quick question. Say you have a section like this:

The smell of mister food.

Does the game's logic require in any way that there are exactly five lines? Would it be alright to have less lines? Will the game not flip out so long as it has at least one option to choose from in the set?

If that's the case, we can just go easy mode and whip these up with a pile of placeholders/easy lines and just make dialogue improvement an ongoing process. Or at least just get the thing running first and full translation in a subsequent version. Would that make sense?

I'm currently experimentally working on Reimu. I'm hardly conversent in Japanese though so I dunno how long it'd take me to sort out the entire thing but if we go easy mode, it'd be much quicker.

EDIT: Also, you say latin alphabet. Are the musical ♪ signs acceptable in there or will we have to replace it?


melooon said:

I'm currently experimentally working on Reimu. I'm hardly conversent in Japanese though so I dunno how long it'd take me to sort out the entire thing but if we go easy mode, it'd be much quicker.

Does this mean you're working on Deibu as well? That might be interesting.

I'm not presently working on Deibu, no, though I might proceed in that direction.

I've discovered a %partner tag in the Reimu dialogue. Presumeably it references another yukkuri while Reimu interacts with it but I'm not sure where that reference is. Wherever it is, it's probably in Japanese right now. It is only triggered by adult Reimu that I've seen (presumeably because it's an unslurred name).

melooon said:
I'm not presently working on Deibu, no, though I might proceed in that direction.

I've discovered a %partner tag in the Reimu dialogue. Presumeably it references another yukkuri while Reimu interacts with it but I'm not sure where that reference is. Wherever it is, it's probably in Japanese right now. It is only triggered by adult Reimu that I've seen (presumeably because it's an unslurred name).

Possibly the one who they "marry"?

Okay, okay, I'll pick a type: Alice. I normally use Mousepad but there's tons of other editors for Linux so I'm sure one of them will work.

I'm doing Reimu. It's going slowly because I'm experimenting with the jap version in an attempt to understand where some of these lines are used. (Not going well so I may just wing it.)

Id recommend just translating the dialogue and leave the references in the code etc for me to handle when I go through the hardcoded stuff. Took me a lil while to get used to messing with dialogue in the old version, and that was a lot more straightforward than this.

gonna update the op with whose doing what. Musical signs will be fine, honestly, pretty much anything is fine, its just an issue of Eclipse, not the game itself. Stuff will appear fine in game as long as I don't update the dialogue via eclipse (which renders all hiragana as random chinese characters and question marks -_-. Music notes should be fine regardless though since those were in the original.

I've been doing heavy science with the Japanese version. (Just to re-reference it is here as of 13 March, 2014:

I'm going to edit in the UI and menu items here as well as general observed game behaviour as I experiment. This isn't a translation - Eternity's gonna have that out in a matter of hours - but I'm hoping to give myself and everyone else translating dialogue a bit more context as to what triggers what. For those of us who don't actually know Japanese, we can work on intent.

Main UI:
=The pink pyramidal cursor remains a bit of a mystery. It is the selection cursor for the UI display on the lower right but appears to only work on certain yukkuri - that is, only some yukkuri can be selected by the player and have their stats displayed. Many tools ONLY work on said selectable yukkuri though any yukkuri can be moved, at the very least. There's been theories that only nicehead yukkuri can be selected whereas shitheads can't. I'll confirm/disconfirm that as my next step.

=Log button is straightforward. Push to activate log. Push again to deactivate and return to main screen.
=Row of Three Buttons with picture labels
==The Crossed Out Speech button is straightforward, it hides all the speech bubbles.
==Green Cursor button is disabled by default. When activated, it puts a green cursor around any yukkuri you have favourited (see below) which helps you keep track of specific ones in a large herd.
==Crossed Out Question Mark deactivates the tooltip prompt which lets you know when you can Shift-Click and Ctrl-Click on certain tools.

=UI List on the Right (10 items)
==UI1: Environmental Stress. Goes up by 1 for each yukkuri on the field including corpses. Does not increase even if the yukkurarium is an absolute cesspit. No change here.
==UI2: Yukkuri Status- (I think this is just a heading for the below?)
==UI3: Favourite Button. This lets your favourite the selected yukkuri. You can do this to any number of yukkuri provided you can select them; if you can't select them, you can't favourite them either. You can see green cursors aroud them if you activate the Green Cursor button above.
==UI4: Personality. Unknown if implemented. Code has provisions for five levels of personality ranging from "Ultra-Good" to "Dogesu" which I'm guessing means shithead.
==UI5: Intelligence. Unknown if implemented. Code contains provisions for "Badge Class", "Average" and "Beanpaste-for-Brains"
==UI6: Damage.
==UI7: Stress.
==UI8: Hunger: One Reimu tested began actively looking for food (and becoming upset that there wasn't any) at 80%.
==UI9: Taste. Unknown if implemented but may be intended to indicate how rarified the yukkuri's taste buds are. Displayed kanji means "average".
==UI10: Poo Poo. This is what we know as expired paste.

=Bottom Right Icon Area. Not usually visible since most yukkuri don't have icons, but it's there. Raper Alices display an erect penipeni icon. Examining the icon folder reveals icons for predatory status as well as states disabling pooping and pregnancy.

=Hotkeys and General Interface=
Rightclicking on the field now brings up the menu.
Escape: Toggle pause.
Delete: Cleans all poop and bodies.
H: Removes all yukkuri from the game.
Z: Unknown
X: Unknown
C: Unknown

*Testing has shown that the pink cursor can be placed on yukkuri prone to being nice and cannot be put onto yukkuri prone to being rude.
*Generally, tools only work on selectable yukkuri - ones you can put a pink cursor on. However, this requirement can be bypassed somewhat by using shift-click and ctrl-click functionality. Prolly a bug.

=Top Level Menu (11 Items) EDIT: Whaddaya know, I found where the list is located in files.

===Punish. Causes pain without rendering airborne. Deals about 1% damage and 1% stress about 2/3 of the time. Only works on selectables, including unborn stalk babies.
===Snapping. Does about 1% damage and 0-1% stress to a Child Reimu and tosses her, dealing another 6-7% damage and 4% stress upon landing. Only works on selectables, including unborn stalk babies which seem to soak damage surprisingly well and will not fall off.
===Pickup. It is now possible to catch yukkuri in mid-air. Doing so and setting them down doesn't always prevent all fall damage.
===Vibrator. Works as before. Only targets selectables
===Healing Orange Juice. Works as expected although it cannot target untargetable bad yukkuri either, which is strange. You'd think they couldn't get enough of the OJ. Can be mass sprayed for heals.
===Lemon Spray. Puts yukkuri to sleep. Only works on targetables. Can be mass sprayed to put everything to sleep.
===Hammer. Scares (whether this is Scare, Alert, Fear, Scream or what precise trigger is unknown atm) yukkuri from the cursor after it is used. Does about 25% damage and 15% stress to an adult Reimu. Just under 50% damage to child yukkuri and 34% stress and one-shots babies. Leaves a pile of beanpaste that is cleaned by the Clean-Poop function but is not treated as poop by the auto-toilet. At least some yukkuri seem to eat it without complaint but even a baby will finish a large pile in one gulp.
===Extract and Inject. Functionality alternates, so first it extracts, then injects. Essentially impregnates the second target with paste from the first. Cannot be used on untargetables nor mass targeted so it cannot affect shitheads. Causes mammalian pregnancy. Extraction deals a very small amount of damage. Injecting does more. Overinjection (7 shots for a baby reimu) causes target yukkuri to explode.

===Braid Pluck. Standard targeting rules. Obviously alarms the yukkuri but doesn't seem to cause any long term distress.
===Anal Plug. Makes yukkuri unable to poop, adding relevant icon to its bar. Makes them explode spectacularly. Unplugging them during the critical phase makes them go into diarrea for a while.
===Stalk Cut. Makes them unable to gain stalk pregnancy, causing a little stress. Does not affect existing stalks. Targeting the yukkuri a second time will toggle the state off - Stalk Unplug is not what does this.
===Castration. NOT what it says on the tin. Prevents mammalian pregnancy but does NOT prevent the yukkuri from CAUSING it. It does not cut off anyone's penipeni.
===Stalk Unplug. This is what ACTUALLY cuts a stalk off a yukkuri. This causes the babies on it to rapidly die. Putting the detached stalk into OJ doesn't help - the babies have to be taken off and put directly into the OJ pool. However, they will presently remain comatose forever despite gradually growing. On the other hand, they can become pregnant and children they give birth to will not be comatose. Stalk physiology in this game is worthy of a textbook.
===Lighter. Deals rapid damage over time. At about 33% damage, the yukkuri will lose its accessory. While a yukkuri is on fire, its hunger will not grow and it will spread fire to nearby yukkuri. A comatose yukkuri as above will move in its sleep while remaining in its coma.
===Water. Puts out fire. It will wake up sleeping yukkuri and make them distressed but only very repeated clicking will do actual harm to non-babies.
===Orange Ampule. Attached to a yukkuri and keeps its damage at 0%. Acts as life support and can keep comatose and burning yukkuri alive indefinitely. Will test further. There may be a yield limit.
===Accel Amp: Puts a light blue ampule on a targetable yukkuri. Greatly accelerates growth to maturity.
===Stop Amp: Puts a dark blue ampule on a targetable yukkuri. Stops yukkuri from growing any further.

===NORMAL("ふつう", "Normal"),
===BITTER("苦い", "Bitter"),
===LEMON_POP("ラムネ", "Lemon pop"),
===HOT("辛い", "Hot"),
===VIYUGRA("バイゆグラ", "Viyugra"),
===Auto-feeder. This can now be programmed to dispense any of the above OR a random live baby yukkuri.

===YU_CLEAN. Cleans up all living yukkuri.
===BODY. Clears corpses away.
===SHIT. Clears away all poop.
===ETC. No idea what this cleans.
===ALL. Both poop and corpses.

==Toggle Accessory. Can only target "selectable" yukkuri but non-selectable yukkuri can still be affected via the Shift and Ctrl modifiers. Shift-Clicking will toggle all - using it on a yukkuri with an accessory will remove all accessories from all yukkuri. Ctrl-click will invert the state of all yukkuri on the field, putting accessories on those without and removing them from those that have them.

==Toggle Pet Clothes. Same as above.

==Furniture. These are objects that don't move on their own. Most can be toggled on and off via right-click.
===TOILET2. This toilet notably clears away poop automatically. It CAN be toggled off, though it doesn't change appearance so it's hard to tell whether it's on or off.
===Sticky plate. Holds one yukkuri at a time. Prevents conveyor from moving said yukkuri.
===HOT_PLATE. Burns feet. Takes several seconds to ramp up. At yellow light, the yukkuri is crippled and cannot jump or move quickly. At red, it is completely still.
===FOOD_MAKER("フードメーカー", "Food maker"),
===DIFFUSER. A stationary object that ticks certain effects. It has a setup screen when placed - tick all that you want to apply. From top-left, counting right and then down, they are: Anti-Mold, Steam (causes mold? who knows), Orange (presumeably heals over time), Growth Accelerant, Growth Stop, Anti-Dosu (prevents Dosu from spawning but does nothing to existing Dosu) and Anti-Yu (deals massive damage over time and triggers ginormous red text boxes).
===ORANGE_POOL("オレンジプール", ""),
===BREED_POOL. There's now 4 options which appear to be speed settings. Needs testing.
===GARBAGE_CHUTE("ダストシュート", "Garbage chute"),
===MACHINE_PRESS("プレス機", "Machine press"),
===PRODUCT_CHUTE("製品投入口", "Product chute"),

===GAP_MINI. A line that can only be crossed by medium and large yukkuri.
===GAP_BIG. A line only crossable by large yukkuri.
===NET_MINI. Crossable only by small.
===NET_BIG. Crossable by medium and small.
===WALL. Crossable by nothing.
===//WATER. Commented out but indicates some plan to re-implement water surfaces.
===ALL_DELETE. Deletes all barriers. A welcome addition.

==Mobiles. Generally objects that do move.
===BALL. A desireable treasure for yukkuri. If a yukkuri touches one, it will start gaining stress rapidly whenever it is out of contact with the ball while it is physically accessible.
===YUNBA. Deploys a bot. The robot will perform various tasks that you could perform with the tools except it can freely target shithead unselectable yukkuri.
===YUNBA_SETUP. Programs the bot using a setup screen. From the top the columns indicate age of t argeted yukkuri. Checked box means that size of yukkuri WILL be targeted for the tasks along the left which are Clean, Heal, Mold Removal, Punishment for Rudeness (needs testing), Accessory Removal and Death. Then from top-left counting to the right and then down, the next four boxes govern general non-targeted tasks - Corpse Removal, Removal of Accessories from Corpses, Poop Removal and Stalk Removal. The next five boxes are targeting boxes based on the yukkuri's attitude. They are Rude, Smart, Average, Super Rude and Super Smart. When a box is checked that means yukkuri of that category WILL NOT be targeted.
===SUI. Drops a cart for yukkuri to ride but currently causes a crash in short order.
===TRASH. Yukkuri who have lost their accessories will visit a trash pile to find a replacement.

==Conveyor Belt
No changes here. Notably, the "front" of the yukkurarium is towards the top of the screen.

==Shouts. These are things you yell into the yukkurarium and the yukkuri all react to it.
===Take it easy!
===Die easy!

=Yukkuri Statistics
*Generating 100 Child Reimu produced:
-5 Wasa Reimu (4 bad, 1 nice)
-8 Deibu (all bad)
-87 Reimu (37 bad, 50 nice)
Overall a half and half split but because of Deibu, the regular Longbraid Reimu is slightly prone to being good. I think it's safe to say all Deibu are bad by default. Jury's still out on the Wasas, statistically speaking.
*Bad Child Reimu have vastly inferior toilet discipline.


Ill pop out a version with that stuff translated in 17 hours or so, got an essay on Heian japan due in 8, another conference with some UN officials in 12 and a meeting with a client shortly after. I've got most of the menus and stuff translated, wasn't really too difficult, just have to debug and package it all up.

BaronMind said:
So, uhh, what am I supposed to be translating?

The dialogue files. If you grab the game and unzip, it'll be under /source/data

Eternity said:
Ill pop out a version with that stuff translated in 17 hours or so, got an essay on Heian japan due in 8, another conference with some UN officials in 12 and a meeting with a client shortly after. I've got most of the menus and stuff translated, wasn't really too difficult, just have to debug and package it all up.

Rock on!

Okay, got it now. alice_ev_j.txt and alice_j.txt, right?

Eternity said:
... I will send you a yukkuri dialog file ...

Eternity said:
Pick a yukkuri and I'll send you their files for editing.


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