One Yukkuri Place

Chinese/Japanese Common Yukkuri Speach

Posted under General

慢慢来- take it easy
灵梦- Reimu
玛丽莎/魔理沙- Marisa
先生- Mister
小油- Koyukkuri
我- I
啊- a
吐- Barf
擦擦- Rub rub
小贝比- Little one
可爱- Cute
家- Home

Updated by JojoBizarro


ゆっくり - yukkuri/easy
ゆっくりプレース - easy place
ゆっくりしていってね - take it easy
ゆっくりできない - can't take it easy

にんげんさん - mister human

あかちゃん - baby
おちびちゃん - little one
おにいさん - mister
おねえさん - miss

おうち - home
おうちかえる - going home

むしゃむしゃ - munch munch
あまあま - sweet sweets
すりすり - rub rub
ぺろぺろ - lick lick
すやすや - sleep sleep
うんうん - poo poo
しし - pee pee

かわいい - cute
かわいくてごめんね - sorry for being so cute
かわいそう - pitiful
こわい - scary

どうして - why
どうしてそんなこというの - why would you say that
どうしてこんなことするの - why are you doing this

おそらをとんでるみたい - it's like flying in the sky


ゆ - yu
ゆっ - yu¹
ゆんやあ - yunyaa
ゆぎい - yugii
ゆひい - yuhii
ゆぴい - yupii
ゆわい - yuwai
ゆち - yuchi
ぷく - puff
ぴこ - flap

¹ Trailing っ marks a glottal stop. It does NOT make the sound longer.



Japanese yu-speak is all phonetic. Hiragana are only slightly more complex than the latin alphabet, and you can find plenty of stuff for learning them online. I took about a month to memorise all of them by drilling flash cards once a day.

Then it's just a simple matter of converting to romaji or reading aloud.

Since sluring can be pretty hard to understand sometimes because there are no Kanji to give hints, here is some examples to help you to solve the puzzle of translating little ones talking :P

  • "り" with slurring becomes "ち", example: "ゆっくち" = "Eajy"
  • "ぜ" with slurring becomes "じぇ", example: "いこうじぇ!! "Lets go je!!"
  • "さ" with slurring becomes "しゃ", example: "おにいしゃん" = "Onii-shan"
  • "す" with slurring becomes "しゅ", example: "なにしゅる?" = "What will you do?"


大哥哥-Big Bro
大姐姐- Big Sis
妹妹- Little Sis
弟弟- Little Bro
不能慢慢来啦!- I can't take it easy!
*btw baronmind, as you suggested, i added the chinese characters that i knew... which is not a lot... >.>

Yandere said:
*btw baronmind, as you suggested, i added the chinese characters that i knew... which is not a lot... >.>

*takes five minutes to figure out what Yandere means*

Oooh! Thank you! Every little bit helps. I do see that characters that are common in Chinese are rare in Japanese and vice-versa so I guess it's to be expected.

Might be a good idea to edit your first post to keep all the translations in one easy reference. If anyone has any more Japanese ones I'll add them to mine.

I think that there is a similarity between Chinese grammar and English grammar.

English is difficult because alphabet is a phonogram.
Chinese pronunciation is very difficult.

Japanese use various characters(ひらがな,カタカナ,漢字) and particle(ex て,に,を,は).difficult.

Mr.Google please invent all-around translation machine!

JAP said:
I think that there is a similarity between Chinese grammar and English grammar.

The sentence order is the same, yes. It’s subject-verb-object, and I believe Mandarin uses prepositions, as opposed to Japanese with its subject-object-verb structure and postpositions.