One Yukkuri Place

Translation Request Bumping

Posted under General

The usual pattern on boorus is that very few people read the forums. If there isn't a rule against it, I can understand them doing it; it's more likely to get a response.

Yeah but the forum here is practically unused outside of maybe 10-odd people. Its easier and more organized to have translation requests here on the forums instead of having translators sift between "TL bump!" and actual comments.

Shark_Attack_II said:
The usual pattern on boorus is that very few people read the forums. If there isn't a rule against it, I can understand them doing it; it's more likely to get a response.

Here's the thing: most users won't go the forums because they're not aware that you can use the forums for things like translation requests.

As a suggestion, how about attaching a short blurb on the lower-right corner (or someplace not too obtrusive, yet at the same time conspicuous enough) of the 'booru explaining the use of the wiki and forum sections.

Any changes to the pages require some access to the server, so I'm not too inclined to editing the html directly right off the bat. Rather test that locally first.