One Yukkuri Place

Looking for a story

Posted under General

Hi, I'm kinda new to the site (been reading stories for a few days now).

There's a particular story I forgot to bookmark. It's one where an anon does an experiment in which he takes a koyukkuri from its family, removes its accessory and returns it to the family to see what happens, and the family (of course) ends up abandoning it.

Thank you in advance.

There's also to say that that description applies to, like, 10% of the pools on this site.

Sorry, I forgot to add more details (I blame uneasy sleepiness). Well, from what I remember, the pages had a different color each with like a water-colored effect. There wasn't any yukkuri on yukkuri violence or any abyuse. But at the end I remember the koyukkuri's family was like "You're not an easy yukkuri, get away from us." and left it behind and as they were getting farther they said something along the lines of "Come on little ones, lets find your sister" and one of the koyukkuris was like "I'll find big sis first!" I think. And the abandoned koyukkuri was just simply left behind.

It's escaping me at the moment, and I didn't want to go creating a new topic, but does anyone remember an anko about yukkuri moving into a farm field and end up dying from their gluttony without human intervention? It ends with them being flushed into the irrigation canals as I remember it, but I can't find the story itself.

Anonymaus said:

It's escaping me at the moment, and I didn't want to go creating a new topic, but does anyone remember an anko about yukkuri moving into a farm field and end up dying from their gluttony without human intervention? It ends with them being flushed into the irrigation canals as I remember it, but I can't find the story itself.

Was it a fully translated anko? If so, the Google group should have it.
With that premise I can think of a couple of pools, but all of them have a human coming onto the yukkuri.
If it was a summary in the comment section/wiki, that's going to be hard to find.

EasyV said:

Was it a fully translated anko? If so, the Google group should have it.
With that premise I can think of a couple of pools, but all of them have a human coming onto the yukkuri.
If it was a summary in the comment section/wiki, that's going to be hard to find.

Yep, anko4649. Thanks for the steer.