One Yukkuri Place

suggestion: OUR relay manga (2011)

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Sorry for the wait guys. I'll post the next page later today and hopefully you'll agree with me that it's worth it.

I must say it is an interesting thing a deibu-ish patchouli. By the way, the first page introduces 7 yukkuri. I showed the first three and, with ThetOneGuy, introduced the presence of the eighth one behind mommy. You introduced the fourth (shingashong) and I introduced the fifth (satori) and you introduced the sixth, deibutchouli. That leaves us daddy and one more yukkuri. Am I right?

It depends. If Kurutto isn't close to completion then we can make it your turn. Then the order will be:

1 Fragtagonal
2 kurutto-kun
3 ThatOneGuy

Well I'm sitting here with a finished comic page, but my roommate is in the room so I can't scan it...
Ummm Tomorrow morning around eleven he's got class. I'll take care of it then.....hopefully.

Haha but you've triggered my trap card or some shit and now it's your turn once again.

Heart of the Card and all that.

I don't know.

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