One Yukkuri Place

Anko/Story Discussion Thread

Posted under General


I thought that was him spoiling her since she had such shitty life, it's either that or Marisa jumped from an Abusive Partner to a Yandere Partner and Mister won't let her go ^^U

Though there is also the whole thing of "being bored of being a yukkuri" that Marisa mentioned, maybe Marisa in a way is aspiring for more and maybe aiming to become those youkai tier bodied yukkuri or something for the mister.

About Anko458:
Just another case of "They really need to think their plan thoroughly before acting upon them" and "Any form of Punishment = Death". Admittedly the anon within that story learn something valuable from them and it good for him to be able to recognize individual Yukkuri since I sure as hell wouldn't without dramatic attitudes.

It's also a case of actually capable leader but bad management practice and bad communication.

I'm guessing that their leader actually think further ahead than the other clan members. She might be loud and arrogant, but she do many smart things too.
- She remember the path to their hunting ground which is quite far (even for human standard) from their clan.
- She know to tell the human to pick only the ripe fruits. She know to leave the green fruits so they can become ripe instead of just knocking all down and just pick what they want.
- Not mentioned explicitly, but after the human teach them about using fire, she might be the one organizing night shift guards and let the yukkuri take over managing the fire without relying on human.
- Although she might eat more than other clan members, most of the foods are likely going to stockpile for when the clan can't go out to their hunting ground (hinted by the last line saying rain is coming)
- She asked the human if he had sweets sweets, but accepted him even when he doesn't have any. She also asked if the human know anything about the revolution. My assumption, but she know well enough about abyuser and their practice and might even straightly reject that human if he presented a lot of sweets. She also seems to give up when knowing the human has nothing to do with the revolution because if so, then the human might be able to take her place and help the clan instead of destroying them.

The human hasn't live long enough to know their annual activity rhythm and the yukkuri having only followed order, likely never think more than the here and now.

About punishment = death...
Not much comment other than it's not uncommon for media to stir emotion of the peoples that the only punishment criminal may receive are death sentence or life in jail. There are places where the humans are still closet bloodthirsty that want death to all they can justify it.



I think that what gothic meant about "punishment = death" in yukkuris is that "yet again it happens", like unless it's a nicehead clan, it's typical for yukkuris to punish through death or horrible torture, even more often than humans, but we have to consider that they are simple creatures to they tend to become murderous even more easily than humans who also have their murderous moments but not as often compared to the yu's. Basically Yu's in general are too simplistic like to think out more sensible options, unless they are niceheads, but they tend to be nice to the point of naiveity.

If humans weren't complex creatures, we probably would do the same, but our complexity help us to restrain ourselves or say stuff we may not act to, while yukkuris are simplistic and usually literal in their "What they say and what they do", so they tell you to drop dead easy they probably would act on it, while a human may retract or do nothing at all.

Of course I speak of "yukkuri to yukkuri" and "human to human" relationships, "human to yukkuri" and viceversa is a different topic out of many aspects of it being highly unrealistic.


Too bad the anko doesn't have this line :D

Leader Marisa: et tu Reimu!?


For those with better knowledge in psychology, can we say that most yukkuri are creature of Id without a properly developed Super ego ?


Actually, I agree with you, that's like the most fitting way to describe a yukkuri. Though I would also mention them having a faulty and half baked ego, since sometimes (not always) they do work for a long term pleasure (winter preparation, etc.), meanwhile Super Ego is for niceheads and similar "advanced" yu's.

JusticeItEasy said:
I think that what gothic meant about "punishment = death" in yukkuris is that "yet again it happens"

This. It's even more glaring (in this story) considering that their former leader was the only one who know the location of a good food source. "Great job there, you killed the scum who despite being a food-hoarder was the only one that knew where this food came from, let celebration by eating all the food in one sitting like they're no tomorrow. I'm sure losing that valuable knowledge won't come back and bite you in the ass later on."

I'll be fair and admit that since they're shortsighted and simpleminded creature they probably can't think of long-term goals and think as far as maybe a day worth of planning. (I don't count winter since that can be seen as instinctual.)

BTW, Yukkuri = Pacman frog - limbs + ability to talk.

Gothic_Togekiss said:
BTW, Yukkuri = Pacman frog - limbs + ability to talk.

Pacman XD
Is there any special unicode character for Pacman ?

BTW, I saw this in the site long time ago, but never bookmarked it. It's an experiment picture involving yukkuri and an indigestible ring shaped food that the yukkuri can keep on eating.
The strip mentioned a personal theory about how yukkuri feel full stomach from eating.

Black and white with Marisa subject
That's about it.

But I think it's not Kirishima

About the anko...
That's one of those real-looking plastic food sample in Japanese restaurant. ^^;;;


Basically an ayazouesque Anon getting the wrong hat for his Marisa. Somehow the "Abyuse Sector" of the shop hilariously sounded like the "Porn Section" of video clubs, it doesn't help that the scenario between Anon and Miss was similar to those "the shy porn firs timer and the nice guy/lady helping him out".

Lesson for Mister and Marisa: better luck next time
Lesson for Miss: don't make assumptions
Lesson for Yuuka: if you feel something is not right, just say it



There was a Yuuka? I thought it was only mentioned to be the pet of the miss but didn't appear.
Maybe I missed it in my reading?

Just for a short while. Forgot to mention Yuuka-nyan is platinum badged.
Yuuka had a hunch that Anon is not lying about Marisa's hat got torn (accidentally). She's not sure though, because why would a normal non-abyuse pet owner be hanging around in the abyuse section.
Miss, in the other hand, assumed that Anon is an abyuser who tore Marisa's hat himself and that Anon knows well all the hats there is ripe with stench of dead paste.

But Yuuka also remember Miss' father who often talk to Yuuka about how he's so worried about his daughter getting hooked with bad guys.

Anyway, his pet Marisa seems adorable.
She's not the well mannered gold badge yukkuri; more like a smart and nice wild yukkuri who's playful, innocent and genuinely cheerful; a bit selfish but know her limits.


I lol'd at the end, maybe I picturing Mister Going Godzilla with fake roars while stomping around the constructions.

A bit of side topic related to the anko, do you think that it's a good idea to neuter "Growth stopped" yu's?
I think it is, since I don't think that their pregnancy would adapt to their "unnatural" size like with the house yu or minikurri's, which are naturally small, so it maybe dangerous for them to try to have babies.

Moral of the story in reality God or Deities in general hate yukkuris and are willing to troll them by making humans dissapear for an average laboral week so the yu's suffer all the "nature reclaiming earth again" on which they clearly wouldn't benefit from. Unless God is an ayazouesque Anon, but it's hard to see this scenario as such, so I'll suspect the troll with a moral.

Now I do wonder how many common types were left, since all those who wished for the dissapearance were sent to hell. Maybe if the proportions of rare types and common types is equal now things will get better between yu's and between human and yu's?

There are those who simply just ask for sweets sweets

I don't buy the story though. The author clearly the faction that doesn't like yukkuri. The idea is explored in "The World Without Us" and there's a show in one of the science channels about scenario after human suddenly just poof. IIRC, it happened peacefully in short period without having cars crashing and airplanes falling. Of course, without yukkuri.

Almost all the catasthrope in the beginning is an evil parting gift. The car crashing to each others and cause fire. The worst is the airplane crash to fuck the forest yukkuri who should be thriving for longer period without human.

It reminds me a lot to that enviromentalist advertisement saying human's "part in the world" is to protect other species... but ignoring the inconvenient fact that most of the threat came from human's consumption and exploitation.

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