I've been meaning to pitch this idea for a while now and since I've finally been able to acquire a digital copy of 'Bunnies & Burrows'(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bunnies_%26_Burrows), I'd like to know if any of you would like to play a Yukkuri RPG, with B&B as a basic template.
Now, I'd like to have at least 2 or 3 guaranteed players before I start preparing anything seriously, but I'd definitely GM a game if enough people are up for it.
derpyhar said: could be interesting. put me down as tentative, at least playing the first session or so
would you be running it with irc with a dice bot, or what?
Haven't been using IRC in a while, but we could do that if the demand is high enough. Though given how small our community is and how we're scattered across the globe, I doubt we'll be able to get all players into a real-time session.
Cloudrunner62 said: I might be interested if I'm allowed to use my riku yukkuri. If not I'd prolly go with a speaking Youmu.
You're allowed, and in fact encouraged, to use so called 'rare' types. Don't feel constricted by stereotypes either - if you want to play a bookish Marisa or a tough Patchouli, I'll be happy to oblige. You will also have to choose what kind of character you want to be: A scout, a fighter (yes, fighter), an empath (which would be something like a sorcerer here; B&B has psionics, but I guess magic suits yukkuri better) etc.
Note that this is basically going to 'Watership Down' with the lagomorphs replaced by pastries, so it's going to be very different from typical fanon.
Also, while there IS combat in B&B, you're probably doing it wrong if you get into a fight. Taking on Mister Human is about as smart as taking on an Old Dragon.
Hm. I've been a DM both for Vampires and 3.5, never read about that one. Now I'm about to leave, but I'll definitively check monday! If the system it's interesting count me in, altough I've never roleplayed online. Wonder how we'll do with timezones^^
danogoat said: i am not really into RPGs and i dont know...
Anon kun said: Hm. I've been a DM both for Vampires and 3.5, never read about that one. Now I'm about to leave, but I'll definitively check monday! If the system it's interesting count me in, altough I've never roleplayed online. Wonder how we'll do with timezones^^
Not in real-time, obviously. Basically you all post you want to do and I reply what happens etc. all within the same forum thread. The pace is going to be pretty slow, but I have experience with that kind of game, it's not so bad.
The B&B game I have is a module for 3rd Edition GURPS, but I'll try to go light on the technicals and heavy on the roleplay, which is how the game is meant to be played.
zidana123 said: Tentatively interested. How different from typical fanon is it going to be due to the Watership Down-ness?
Zhat's a bit hard to explain if you don't know the movie (go watch it, it's great).
Well for one, the PC's and the tribe they belong to would be mighty smart - for yukkuri. They have actual survival skills, they have MAGIC (mostly ESP stuff, nothing humans would even notice), they have a culture etc. It would actually be closer to what it'd be like to have a stone-age society of beings with human-comparable (but not equivalent) intelligence than the yukkuri you're used to. Basically, they're no longer joke characters, even if they're still severly limited in their abilities compared to humans.
Right now I'm thinking about whether I should allow communication with humans or exclude it for the authentic B&B experience. In that case, Yukkuri would still be able to talk to each other just fine, but all a human would only hear something like 'Yu!Yu!Yu' or 'Easy!Easy!Easy!'. You also get no proficiency in written language in that case.
Humans are supposed to be incomprehensible, omnipotent monsters - that doesn't work out if can have a normal conversation with them.
When you talk about culture, do you mean that they'll have an identical culture/social organization to the Watership Down rabbits?
Or will they be adjusted via house rules to be more in line with depictions of wild yukkuri societies from the fandom?
The reason I ask is because there's certain aspects of the rabbit society that doesn't make sense in the context of yukkuris. For instance the gender role divisions since yukkuris are hermaphrodites.
Also, will their combat stats by scaled up from the rabbits due to their superior size and relatively increased durability and semi-golem-ness?
When you talk about culture, do you mean that they'll have an identical culture/social organization to the Watership Down rabbits?
Or will they be adjusted via house rules to be more in line with depictions of wild yukkuri societies from the fandom?
The reason I ask is because there's certain aspects of the rabbit society that doesn't make sense in the context of yukkuris. For instance the gender role divisions since yukkuris are hermaphrodites.
Also, will their combat stats by scaled up from the rabbits due to their superior size and relatively increased durability and semi-golem-ness?
Okay, first off - you obviously know more about Watership Down than I do xD
Right now, I'm mostly basing this on what I remember from the animated movie, which I last saw, oh, ten years ago? Should really read the book, I think.
I was going to refine what I have and fill holes in my memory based on the GURPS module, which probably changed a few things to make it more playable. And then modify what doesn't fit the Yukkuri theme.
So anyway, yes, gender roles won't make the transistion into my little ad-hoc yukkuri RPG. Not quite sure about combat, but I probably will give them more of an advantage in terms of durability to make up for lacking agility, but they'll still be faster then what people are used to. So for example, a typical human will have to do more than briskly walk to catch with a adult yukkuri in full gallop, but nowhere near the speed of a rabbit.
In any case, if you, Anon kun, derpyhar and Cloudrunner are saying you'll give it a shot, then I'm willing to do some research to set up a test session. More players are always welcome, although more than maybe 8 or 9 would definitely be too much. Supposedly the magic number for Pen&Paper games is around six players.
zidana123 said: Yea, i'm willing to do a test run. just wanted to make sure they'd be yukkuris and not rabbits-called-yukkuris. XD
Well, I really love WSD, so I want to do something "like" WSD, but with Yukkuris. Staying faithful to yukkuri idiosyncrasies is also important to me, but obviously a few things need to be changed if they are to become fully fleshed out characters. I think poweryoga's 'Dosu in the big city' is somewhat similiar to what I envision, I just want to take it a few steps further.
Still, it's nice to have someone on board who is knowledgable on the subject. :-) I'm counting on you, zidana! XD
We could try, but I don't think it'll be possible. Posting only once or twice a day in a thread is far less commitment and probably better for a test game. We can talk about setting up proper sessions afterwards.
Antagon said: This sounds like it could be fun. I've never actually played a D&D-type game before, but I've always wanted to.
I'm curious if I'd be able to create my own character, or if you'd be sticking to established ones.
It's a Pen&Paper RPG alright, but totally different from D&D. Where D&D is heavily combat-oriented, combat in 'Bunnies & Burrows - Yukkuri Edition' will usually kill you - Total Party Kill is a very real danger.
As for original character, I'd rather you'd not. Depending on what you were going for, we could talk about it, but otherwise I'd ask you to choose a character from the vast library of Touhou characters. I won't allow everything, so can't be a Remilia, Flandre, Yakumo etc. but most characters are fine.
BTW, if people are worrying about distinct identies, I was thinking about establishing a practice among the Yukkuri where every yukkuri gets a fancy byname in addition to the name of their race, like 'Reimu Rosebud' or 'Marisa Mayflower' or something like that.
Sorry for the delay people, but you know how it is.
Anyway, I've researched enough that I'm now ready to set up the game. The first step will be creating your characters - normally I would sit down with my players to create the characters together, but it would seem that this would be too awkward over the internet, so you will have to choose from a list of 'classes' (scare quotes because GURPS doesn't have classes) as I present them and we will then fine-tune them as necessary. You should also choose the Yukkuri-type you want to play as, a name or rather a by-name, and write a few lines on your characters background and personality.
A few notes on this: - While you can choose almost any Yukkuri corresponding to a existing Touhou character, custom characters are out, as are certain types that would be too powerful or simple unsuitable for roleplay. Examples: Utsuho, Yakumo, Remilia, Flandre, Nitori. - Yukkuri are usually named according to their type, but will be assumed to be given by-names to avoid confusion. This can be anything from a personal quality, a typical behavior, a plant or something along those lines.
These are the classes you may choose from:
- Fighter: Pretty much what you'd expect. This also means you are member of the Warren Watch. - Hoplite: An elite group of messengers and scouts serving directly under 'king' of the warren. They also sometimes serves as diplomats when dealing with other warrens. Sort of a ranger/rogue class. - Herbalist: Somewhat like the alchemists of old, they are experts at finding, identifying and using various plants and herbs which have many uses - including weapons. A party should probably include at least one of these. - Storyteller: The yukkuri-equivalent of a Bard, they are particularily adept at charming and talking their way through life. Their abilities allow them 'enthrall' audiences and manipulate according to their will. - Seer: A yukkuri gifted with psionic(magic?) powers, usually telepathy or ESP. Powers include intimidation (puff-puff actually does something!), 'scanning' for the minds of animals or yukkuri and limited precognition. Psionic powers (usually) do not work on humans. - Empathic Healer: A special class of psionic who can heal others using their empathic powers to absorb some of their wounds. Empaths cannot harm another yukkuri directly without hurting themselves (so throwing something at them would count, pushing a big rock off a hill and crushing them would not). For that reason almost all empaths are pacifists. Damage absorbed is handled differently from normal damage and heals much faster than usual.