7 years old!
Updated by Skribulous
Posted under General
7 years old!
Updated by Skribulous
Cloudrunner62 said:
7 years old!
Release the JIE!
Fiver said:
Release the JIE!
>tfw he will never return. Just like Kiri.
Well in Pixiv several very old comics 5 years, are being reposted in masse and Hynumbers returned.
There is hope xD
Aww look who is a little psychopathic birthday girl! Only 7 years and already document like a pro!
SUN came back, perhaps he will too je
Keep taking it easy, OYP!
Happy Birthday!
Fiver said:
There is hope xD
I'd rather have more M1 and sanaaeaki, but we'll take what we can get.
Skribulous said:
Happy Birthday!I'd rather have more M1 and sanaaeaki, but we'll take what we can get.
M1 works were uploaded this year, early but the guy isn't silent like Kiri.
Happy birthday, OYP. ^_^ I know I'm not the most active and is a bit of a lurker member here, but I' m very grateful for this little space in the interwebz.
*lurks back into the shadows*
So many people gone...
even kiri has taken it easy je
i..its not like I want to wish oyp h... happy birthday or anything like that...
Even if the FF stuff are becoming less common I'm still happy to be here. Happy birthday OYP and I hope we'll get to see more family friendly content in the future.
Happy Birth Day Take it Easy yu
Kiri not back sad yu
There's a lot of FF stuff, its just not getting uploaded. If you want to upload them then it'll increase the diversity of the board some!
poweryoga said:
There's a lot of FF stuff, its just not getting uploaded. If you want to upload them then it'll increase the diversity of the board some!
dosu is a social yustice warrior jeee
poweryoga said:
If you want to upload them then it'll increase the diversity of the board some!
b-but mister pixiv is uneasy and won't let cirno in...