One Yukkuri Place

Series: Paradise Lost (yuppiyupitaro)

In this story, the world is a paradise for yukkuris. Yukkuri Protection Act is enacted which means abyuse is punishable by law and you can even get charged if you don't properly take care of your pet yukkuris, all because of some nonsense about yukkuris being capable of human speech means they should be friends or something. All abyuse facility has been closed down, every stray yukkuris has been either captured or euthanized, and all but the most expensive yukkuris are sold castrated which makes it difficult to breed them illegally. This series tells the prologue of the Abyuse Group, former abyusers who are determined to continue their abyuse practices unseen from the law.

The first half shows the start of it all, two abyusers found an overlooked (and thus uncastrated) wild yukkuri family who were living peacefully in a secluded area. They abuse-kill all but three of them who are captured. Thus begins an illegal mass breeding of yukkuris to be used for abyuse.

The second half shows the abyusers handing over one of the captured Maricha to a friend as a pet. Maricha's shitheaded nature angered said friend who then started disciplining her, but as his anger boils it eventually leads to abyuse and kill. The abyusers then inform the friend that he was smiling when he was "disciplining" Maricha, he is the first of many to awaken their inner "Oniisan".


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