Anonymous almost 16 years ago What a pleasant change for the yukkuri.Usually the universe arranges it so they have it up-hill both ways, and this one is nice to have it the other way. 0 Reply Copy ID
Anonymous almost 16 years ago It's not all fun and games or abuse and death. If it only made half as much sense, it'd be perfect. 0 Reply Copy ID
Anonymous almost 16 years ago I've never understood this picture. I hear MC Escher made it, so it's got to have some part that's supposed to mindfuck you, but I don't see it. 0 Reply Copy ID
Anonymous almost 16 years ago Above: follow the path of the water from the waterfall, to the waterfall. 0 Reply Copy ID
Anonymous almost 16 years ago The two AliMari couples in the bottom left coner represent the before and after effects of thier relationship 0 Reply Copy ID