So glad that I started reading Between Studies and True Happiness when it's already finished. *sigh* now I already feel the same way as the old members did.
I'm guessing that initial admiration of its cuteness will wear down between the bratty statements it is making and the fact that it has fluffy fluffies. After all, that's what the boys at school are calling her, so she's probably pissed off to see a reminder/be compared to a yukkuri...
Also worth noting is that the page before is untranslated. Can someone please do that?
Well technically speaking Piko did said it was going to be Reimu's home before. It probably and easily misunderstood her for literally giving the home to her.
KoReimu (I) will let miss to stay at home as in special favor!
So maybe this could be a combination ot potential shithead/scum with ayazouesque owner? Of course while the hint is there, we still have to see if Reimu is that bad or it's just some silly baby talk that she'll forget later.
While the ko maybe have been a shithead from the start, Piko-chan kinda walked right into the scum trap with her comment(s). Yu aren't the smartest thing God/the wizard/whoever have created so saying something like "from now on, this is your home!" is going to easily cause it to act a bit scummy and make a home declaration in response.
Piko seems to be highly ignorant about yukkuris in general (maybe the city have a darn efficient anti-stray group or something that prevents people meeting them in the streets.)
Which is why I suspect an "Ayazouesque Anon + Shithead" scenario, which I think it would be more interesting than the average clumsy ignorant anon scenario.
I guess one could have told it was an un-educated yukkuri from the start, for starters, no badge, also it pissed on his cage and as far I remember, they are trained to not talk at all at humans at the store (or maybe thats badge training, /shrug)
Reimyu will make a shpecial excepshun an' let Mish live here choo!Let's get along wel-
cut offUha~! How cute!*Sparkle!*Reimyu will make thish her home!!Yu!Okay! From now on, this is your home!Piko's room
Knock first!!Thank you very much!YuuYu