Before this page, I was almost wondering if she might stop after the castration (at least for a while, until Reimu did something else to set her off). Girl done snapped completely though. Now I'm wondering if Piko's line of abyuse will culminate with turning Reimu into a living doll.
Sorry for not including any puns, I don't have the same cutting wit as the rest of you.
Tweak said: Before this page, I was almost wondering if she might stop after the castration (at least for a while, until Reimu did something else to set her off). Girl done snapped completely though. Now I'm wondering if Piko's line of abyuse will culminate with turning Reimu into a living doll.
Sorry for not including any puns, I don't have the same cutting wit as the rest of you.
Amen, it's not like she's simply delighting in abuse, she actually seems to have some sort of obsession with the idea that "this thing should not exist."
Reimyu confirmed for "Manjuu Doll End" and people really crossed from yandere to yangire...or at least I think so, someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Kinda feel bad for piko, I would had prefered she learned of the "dark side" of yu's and just become a healthy yukkuri inhabitant that is nice to nice ones, is mean to mean ones and deadly to shit ones, but alas, sometimes expectations and pedestals being brocken lead to some falling to the darkness.
maximusfive said: Rockman style?!?!? Son ,I am disappoint! This be a Touhou-meme fanboard! If we die in an explosion, the only acceptable method is a *PICHUN!*
That only works with spellcards! and Super Arm Isn't a spell card! Touhou derivative or not you can't go pichun with non touhous attacks!!!! *NERDRAGE+PUFF*
Piko, me has decepcionado. Parecias ser una buena cuidadora de yukkuris pero a la hora de la verdad no eres mas que una p*** zo*** descarriada e inocentona incapaz de aceptar que reimu es un ser vivo y que, como cualquier ser humano, se masturba (probablemente igual que tu). Ni siquiera reimu era una "shithead" por lo que el maltrato sobraba. Con esto no quiero decir que la historia sea mala, al contrario, me parece excelente, pero el personaje hipócrita que es Piko para mi gusto es millones de veces mas odioso que el mas psicopata de los anon abusones o "shitheads" mas desesperantes. Por ejemplo, en "true happines" el anon era el hijo de p*** mas psicopata de todos los anon que he conocido, pero tenia unos ideales fijos. Piko no tiene ni de lejos la dignidad de aquel tio, por mucho que me traumatizara aquella historia.
Takeshi write in english, don't shield with spanish (as a fellow spanish speaker you can't fool me.), While Piko had unrealistic standars with Reimu, Reimu herself wasn't a good yukkuri to begin with, it was a stupid one with scum tendencies and an attitude problem. Neither is innocent in this scenario Piko was a girl with unrealisitc expectations that unintentionally may had encouraged Reimu's not good aspects and Reimu was a Stupid Manjuu becoming scum that misses blatlantly obvious hints like her owner being in distress for her actions to the poitn of crying.
this chick knows what to do! put acid int otheir fucking penises and see them melt! only thing not like is it should be a male anon. woman going after male phallos is just wrong,. its is against good behaviour of females. they should respect more fallos. but yukkuri is scum so it desarves it!
yukkuris so pathetic and lowlife forms even females can abuse them!!!!!!!! LOL ROFL
*snip**snip**rolling over*Kufufu*shudder**snip-snip*Yu*twitch**twitch**heart-beat*Pi?!shouldn't talk!ManjuuAh- It's so noisy...Reimyu's mr.cherryfeel weird...herself?Would Reimu like to become a manjuu making babies? What a joke!Pi...Ku...Kuhuhu...!A baby?...Huh? somehow I...Reimyu gan't gibe birshu to a bwabe awymoreeee...likes dolls, doesn't she?...ReimuPigiiiii!!Yupi?Mr.peni-peni!Bhy are yu dowing shuch a shinggg!!