pgraphics over 15 years ago Nope, it's a Japanese translated version. I checked all the pictures before uploading it. 0 Reply Copy ID
SUN over 15 years ago A show of hands, how many people here are Japanese and need this translation? 0 Reply Copy ID
pgraphics over 15 years ago Consider it as a backup, it's easier to translate from Japanese than from Chinese. 0 Reply Copy ID
user 1030 over 15 years ago 1) This is Marisa's fault! Don't take it easy and help her quickly!(text on right: Are you stupid? You wanna die?)2) Little one! Grab hold of Mommy's stick easy!4) Reimu: That's great, little one!Marisa: Easy...Koreimu: Hold on easy!6) Marisa: MARIZA'Z WONDERFUL HAAAAD!!Reimu: MARIZA YOU IDIOOOOOD!Chibireimu: Mwommiiiiie!Koreimu: Re~mu's sisteeer!I just can't get over how supernaturally stupid these things are. 0 Reply Copy ID