I won't put the speech bubbles in because my translation is incomplete, and some parts of it may be a little off. Perhaps somebody else can pick up the torch? (I already translated most of it, and the rest is transcribed fully, with some – not all – possible Kanji readings supplied, and cross-checked with OCR)
Marisa: おい!いれるのはまりさのほu。。。 “Oi! What are you putting into Marisa..." Marisa: す、す、すっきりイーーーー!!! “R- r- refreshed!”
Alice: んほおおおーー!さいこうっのまむまむねぇ!! “Nhooooo! A mamumamu of the absolute finest quality!” Alice: かおはそれなりーだけども。。。 “The face is…” (I don’t understand this part here, it’s some kind of adverb or something I think?) Alice: こっちのほうはさいこうよぉぉぉぉーっ! I'm not sure about this one, but she seems to be saying something about "This (one), something-something, is the best!"
Marisa: まりさおとーさんなのに “Marisa’s (a) daddy, nevertheless…” Marisa: おかーさんになっちゃうのぜぇぇ! “Marisa’s going to be a mommyyyyy nozeeee!”
Alice:さそってきたのはまりさのほうよ? “Isn’t it Marisa who invited me?” Alice: いきなりちゅうだんするのはとかいはじゃないわぁ! Too hard, maybe somebody else can take a stab at it, here it is with the Kanji: “行き成り中断するのは都会はじゃないわぁ” – she seems to be saying something about city-sect, an interruption, and suddenly. "Janai" indicates a negation.
Marisa: あ!そっちはあにゃるさんなのぜ!だすとこなのぜぇ?! (The reason Marisa says Socchi here, which means "that (one)," is because Alice had just previously penetrated Marisa's Mamumamu, where Alice said "Kocchi," which means "this (one).") “Ah! That one (or "that hole") is Mister Anyaru nanoze! *Part I don't understand* nanoze?!" Marisa: いれるとこじゃないのぜぇぇ!! “Don’t put it in again nozeee!” Marisa: あっ。。。いがいと。。。 “Ah… hurdz…” (Igaito? Possibly slurred “Itai-to?” though that seems unlikely) Marisa: あっっっ “AHHHH!!!”
Alice: んほおおおーー!さいこうっのまむまむねぇ!! “Nhooooo! A mamumamu of the absolute finest quality!” Alice: かおはそれなりーだけども。。。 “The face is…” (I don’t understand this part here, it’s some kind of adverb or something I think?)
Not completely confident in my interpretation, but it seems like alice is remarking how marisa has a so-so face in contrast to the "finest quality" pussy
Oi! What are you putting into Marisa...
R- r- refreshed!Dwaddie?