"Ching" is the sound of the microwave when the timer is up.
The story goes like this: - Miss had a gold-badged Reimu, and as a Reimu, she wanted to have little ones. - After denying her several times, Miss finally gave in and injected her with a Marsa paste. - At first, Reimu was happy, but Miss cut it short by breaking the stalk and freezing the koyu, with the reason being: "Can only keep 1 right now". She promises would take care of the other when Reimu takes it easy forever. - Of course, there is no way Reimu would accept this, but she's smart, so she waited until Miss went to work, and then she thawed the koyu by using the microwave. - One day, koyu's skin had rashes, and Reimu tried to cure them with orange cream. - This repeated several times until one day when she was trying to thaw the koyu, she fell. The koyu, still in the microwave, 1 exploded and 1 had a massive wound. - Miss came home, immediately knew what happened, and explained to Reimu that the process of repeating freezing and thawing would cause a massive impact on the skin, making it deteriorate, which is why the koyu had a rash. - Miss gave the remaining kid to Reimu. Reimu then begged/demanded Miss to save her only child left, but Miss knew it couldn't be done. - Maricha, in a state of being heavily wounded and in madness, trying to rub rub with her mom. Of course, as Miss had said, the skin was already degenerated to the point that a slight touch could easily rip it out, and Maricha died in Reimu's braid. - Reimu, unable to accept what has happened, caught anti-yukuritis.
One thing I'm not so sure about is the microwave scene, did Maricha explode because the microwave was too hot, or because her skin was damaged so it split?
Overall, it is either the Factory/Pet shop's fault or Miss' fault. Reimu is a gold badge, so why did she pull some shitty moves like that? So either this Reimu is defective gold or Miss spoiled her rotten, but I am inclined to believe it is the latter since she gave Reimu the paste for her to get pregnant, meaning she had spoiled her much before, and considered Reimu is smart enough to sneak her way in and maneuver a microwave, she should be a genuine gold badge but become bad due to Miss.
Honestly it feels like it's mostly the Miss's fault, she ended up giving Reimu kids but took both away. If they could only keep one, why stow away both? But yeah, she might have been spoiling her pet too much, considering the amount of begging she did despite having been told no.
This artist has some pretty solid art, and a nice selection of stories.
One thing I'm not so sure about is the microwave scene, did Maricha explode because the microwave was too hot, or because her skin was damaged so it split?
I remember an old comic explaining that yukkuris explode when microwaved for too long because their watery bean pastes evaporate and so their insides swell and eventually burst out. While IRL bean pastes doesn't actually contain much water, since yukkuris pee a lot I guess we can assume that yukkuri pastes are more watery than IRL pastes? Anyways if we're using this theory, it's probably more because Maricha got microwaved for too long (since Reimu fell down) though her damaged skin definitely didn't help
Cosmos said:
So either this Reimu is defective gold or Miss spoiled her rotten, but I am inclined to believe it is the latter
Definitely spoiled. First page shows Reimu throwing a tantrum, a proper owner would've punished her for that.