A Yukkuri seeking out food. This can come in the form of hunting, scavenging, foraging, and outright stealing food (whatever edible for yukkuri) from other sources, including trash zones, vegetable farms, wilderness, or other yukkuris' food. It also includes predator yukkuris hunting for other yukkuris to eat.
Hunting comes with many risks. Encounter with dangerous creatures such as most animals, predatory yukkuri and humans can easily lead to their deaths. Unexpected weather can also kill them as if it rains and no cover is nearby they can melt to death. Even if none of this happens, thanks to the extreme fragility of a yukkuri, they can even die accidents such as falling from a high place or accidentally stepping on hot ashpalt.
In families or clans, this is usually done by the father figure, usually a Marisa. Once a koyukkuri becomes old enough, often their father also brings them along to hunt in order to teach them survival skills. However said ko is also often at high risk of death as they are more prone to accidents.
This activity is almost always done when they feel hungry, when they're trying to feed their young or when they're preparing for winter or the rainy season, but because yukkuris are simple (dumbass) creatures, combined with their almost endless appetite, usually, the food they have gathered and stored to prepare for the harsh season is almost always being eaten before that time comes, thus makes them have little to no food left to actually able to survive that period, leaving them with either cannibalism or risk to go and gather the food, but usually ends up with failure and death. Even if most of the yukkuris in a family or clan is smart enough to conserve food, all it takes is one stupid shithead to screw over all of them
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