One Yukkuri Place

On "fluffies"

Posted under General

poweryoga said:
I think a lot of us here don't actually like guro, but somehow yukkuris being pastries/filled with food actually make it ok.

I'm probably one of the few regulars here who 'enjoyed' actual guro in the past.
It was more morbid curiosity than anything else, though.

"Birthkill" is a lot more shocking if it involves humans, let me tell you.

Looney Toons would also be incredible violent if blood and guts were involved. Elmer Fudd would be the very definition of guro.

HankySpank said:
As far as I am aware, Jissouseki, yukkuri and "fluffy ponies" are the only ones particularly prone to gruesome deaths.

Ah yes, the unholy trinity of gruesome abuse.

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