One Yukkuri Place



Ditto. Glad to see you're still here.

Also, compost-level or not, that Reimu did the smart thing by leaving that spoiled shit instead of trying to humor her.

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  • Yuno said:

    What? The fluffy stories I wrote all those years ago are now lost forever? And Mwike's artwork too?

    All gone mate. Barring possible online archives I don't know about, everything was lost once the site owner decided they didn't want to maintain it anymore. As for Miwike, it's possible that Derpibooru saved some of his friendlier work there.

    Btw, you were a writer? What handle did you go by out of curiosity? Maybe I glanced over some of your work.


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  • mechamacha said:

    Ben Garrison is a political cartoonist who used to draw weird anti-government conspiracy theory propaganda until trump came along and now draws pro-government conspiracy theory propaganda. He's known for labeling every single thing he draws.

    Ayn Rand was a philosopher (in the loosest sense of the term) who was rabidly anti-communist. She believed that working people were parasites and that the upper classes were the productive individuals. Her most famous novel, Atlas Shrugged, is basically a long diatribe about this.

    "Neckbeard" is insult that gets thrown around a lot, generally referring to men who are overweight, misogynistic, know-it-alls with facial hair on their necks and fedoras on their heads. They produce content like this. Major overlap with "nice guys" who complain about being "friendzoned".

    Lol, wonder what the original author would think of that. If I recall correctly, they started off as an extreme hugboxer posting counter-stories in abuse post threads. But then they got their head out of their ass, stopped their borderline preaching, then started posting justified abuse stories. They even admitted their past mistakes and encouraged other extreme hugboxers to let abusers be.

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  • mechamacha said:

    This is like a Ben Garrison comic mixed with Ayn Rand soapbox writing and a 2013 neckbeard's edge.

    I don't know what half the stuff you referenced is, lol. Could you enlighten me please?

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  • So for more context, here’s a bit of backstory behind this text piece and me.

    Back in the earlier 2010s, I was part of the fluffy pony community. For those of you who don’t know, fluffy ponies are a bizarre offshoot of MLP ponies with weaker bodies and minds. Essentially a twisted western equivalent of Yukkuris, they’re generally depicted in a world like ours, with their fates and lives largely depending on the author/artist.

    Like the Yukkuri community, there are three camps: Abusers, Hugboxers, and the widely ranged Neutralists. I was - and still am - a Hugboxer/Neutralist, preferring happy themes AND interested in tales of justified abuse and fitting consequences.

    Now back to this piece, this is my revamp of one of the last works of a lesser known author. Aside from being a justified abuse story, it addressed/parodied various civil rights movements emerging after 2015. After seeing enough present-day peaceful protests get hijacked by agenda-driven radicals, I was suddenly reminded of the original version.

    This led me into a reading binge of various fluffy greentexts I managed to save before FluffyBooru (the Yukkuri Place for the fluffy community) shut down, which further reminded me how much fluffies and yukkuri had in common. So much in fact that if you were to interchange fluffies and yukkuris (plus a few key words) in most stories, they would probably still make sense. Probably explains why I was easily drawn into this community, but who knows.

    Anyways, I’m digressing. Reason I’m posting this is to hopefully elicit a few laughs in this shitty time and to share some history from the fluffy enthusiasts down the lane. This has been slightly toned down from the original, which was overly critical of the various movements and included a mildly tasteless joke. Regardless, if this is too political or inappropriate for this site, please let me know.


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  • DAWWW. It's nice the two larger Yus didn't kill or screw over the House Yu. I think this is the only story (knocking on wood here) where the House Yu gets a happy ending.

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  • delphi said:

    shut up. it looks weird i know but it was a warm up sketch.

    C'mon man. Don't use such harsh words. I don't want another yu-friendly artist kicked out.

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  • delphi said:

    yeah i should have added something to it. maybe i’ll do something off of it later. it was way too rushed.

    It's not too late. You could just take the last two posts down, add more content, then repost again.

    Or if you can't remove them, make some in-between content then reorder the pool.

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  • First off, I want to say that this is a pleasant story so far. But unfortunately, this is where I have to give my first piece of (hopefully constructive) criticism.

    When you're setting up a backstory to be told, you don't just skip ahead with a TLDR. It just looks lazy and misses an opportunity for depth and character development. A detailed account of how Patchy adopted Chen and a predator would be an interesting tale to hear.

    Also, making Marisa grow up so fast is kind of pushing things along too quickly. You don't need to speed the story along with the hopes of pleasing viewers, as a lot of people prefer to see things flow naturally. Just as long as you don't abruptly give up and leave your audience hanging for all eternity. *COUGH* suiso *COUGH* takumi *COUGH*

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  • You're doing pretty well for the art resources at your disposal.

    Some advice I would give you is to be more mindful of canon and lore. For example, in a previous post you said that paste cores don't exist in wild yukkuri. In 99.99% cases, cores exists in ALL yukkuri, whether wild, stray, or domestic. Though your idea of creating an organ out of starch is an interesting concept.

    Also, I think Maricha tearing up her hat is a bit much. She's already shown good behavior and intelligence, so I suggest you stick with those preexisting qualities instead of creating new levels of "niceheadedness".

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  • I find it ironic that after bailing out on her kids, in death the deibu managed to provide some comfort to her daughter, with her ribbon keeping her slightly apart from the corpses.

    As for her hair, odds are the deibu's been down there for a while, and lost the hair due to rot, similar to the Marisa in the previous story.

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  • No offense to KusoNingen (whom I thank for his stellar contributions), the last line (congrats x2) seems rather awkward compared to a previous Google scan I did, which simply said "Happy End".

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